Tuesday, September 25, 2007

camping down the cliff

Ok, so which one u you guys besides Robert gave yourself a (tatoo) that nite, using a small metal pipe stuck in the fire? com'on, u can come clean now. I know robert came home with this sore red, bleeding circle on his arm. It eventually healed, but i think mom was pissed. he has the scar to this day. LOL


pat said...

hey, robert give me a little credit remememering your little dum asses and your antics.

Chris said...

.. thought that was from the exhaust pipe on your dirt bike...

...but then. I was not a member of,
...... the secret club.....

Doug said...

This is what happened to you all after I left and you lost my steady and sober guidance. Bunch of dumbasses.

Rod said...

That's a lovely "reminder" of the hours and hours of tent dwellin we did! Bet the tech guys are jealous!