Friday, March 28, 2008

Space...The Final Frontier

In a view from the International Space Station facing north, the green glow of aurora borealis stretches over the Gulf of Alaska. The photograph was taken by a crew member of space shuttle Endeavour, which left the station Monday morning. The circular cloud pattern below the lights indicates a low pressure area.

This is first for Alaska--got to see the Aurora from a different perspective...


Dave said...


rac said...

Totally awesome! That is definitely going into my bucket list.

Cindy said...

Wow, that's very cool.

Doug said...

Here's a hypothetical. Let's say just for the sake of discussion that war breaks out between Russia and the US. What happens between the Russian and US astronauts permanently stationed on the ISS? Seems like after all that time cooped up together they'd kind of become friends and so would they simply watch the ghastly proceedings unfold below them or...would the surly bonds of nationalism overcome them?
Would they like use masking tape Les Nesman sytle to mark our side of the station and your side of the station and please knock before entering?
Or would they revert to their practical scientific persona and sit there wondering how in the hell they are going to get back down from here.
Didn't mean to hijack the post, nice picture.

Sean said...

Doug - check out "2010" - that was a large part of the plot for that movie.

Arthur C. Clark RIP

Doug said...

Damn and here I was thinking I actually had an original thought. Well I'll have to check that out, thanks.

DRL said...

Sarah, thanks

Doug, remember "the day after tomorrow". the people in the space lab said how peaceful it looked.

Sean, I remember watching 2001 a space odyssey and woundering how they knew what the earth looked like. We had not sent men to the moon yet. Funny how accurate they were. I still say it was the aliens that landed with the film (they used digital at the time) of outer space. Oh, never mind, I don't believe in spacemen.

Anonymous said...

DRL lives in a fantacy place in his mind.

Anonymous said...

Doug, I like your reference to "Les Nesman Style" line in the sand, or in this case, dont you think they have duct tape at the space station?

Maybe they used all the duct tape up to fix the aging old delapitated station.

Doug said...

There is no limit to the uses for duct tape. A few years back there was some guy hunting up in the Okeefenokee and he got lost. So it's getting dark and he's waist deep in swamp and he's got deer scent smeared all over himself and he's thinking it's maybe not good to spend the night in an alligator infested swamp all smeared up like their favorite food. So he has some duct tape with him and he duct tapes himself to a tree above the water line. That's how they found him the next day, duct taped to the tree. Bug bit and pissed off but otherwise ok. Okay now I've really hijacked this thread.

DRL said...

Doug, oh yea. Let me tell you abuot the time the wife and I wanted to try something we havent', take the tape and, ah never mind.

juliet said...

Great picture!

Cindy said...

When I was a struggling single mom with three kids and an old house I used to say there was not much I couldn't fix with a butter knife, a plunger, a hammer, or duct

Joanna said...

Everyone's comments are funny! The only thing I can contribute is my friend had a catalog that showed a suffed duck taped to the sweater,of course with duct tape. I lol so much over that and I thought is that what they're wearing back there?:)

Joanna said...

Stuffed that is. Sarah space and deep sea are our final frontiers. They've been finding weird stuff here on Earth.:)Yet Space is so fascinating!!!

Ric Larson said...

Sarah, I lived in Nikiski, Alaska for three years. During the winter months, I would put my law chair out in the snow and lay in my winter artic proof sleeping bag and watch the Northern Lights for hours upon hours. I always wondered what they must look like from out space. Thanks for the photo!

Ric Larson said...

Oops, I meant to say 'lawn chair' instead of 'law chair' in my last post. Where is my secretary when I need her?

Ric Larson said...

Joanna. You, me and the RAC'ster must have a discussion when we meet in Vegas. We must contemplate the Universe! :)

Joanna said...

Contemplate is the word we must focus on,that's all it is. Just mixing of opinions:)