Friday, January 23, 2009

Executive Orders - what's your take?

Mandate that all interogations follow the Army Field Service manual.

Create task force to close Guantanamo Bay within one year.

Develop strategy to deal with detainees in the future.

Reverse ban on funding for non-government organizations outside the US that provide abortion services.


rac said...

While the first 3 you mention are actual issues the President has address thru executive order today, to my knowledge the 4th one is not.

Sean said...

President Obama will issue an executive order on Thursday reversing the Bush administration policy that bans the use of federal dollars by non-govermental organizations that discuss or provide abortions outside of the United States.

Sean said...

But, what do you think of these orders?

rac said...

The story you reference from yesterday said it would be signed today. Again, to my knowledge that order did not come to pass.

Even still, the abortion debate is a non issue for me. The only one's who seem to think this is our #1 problem are the religious nut bags and the strap-on feminists.

On interrogation, if it's good enough for the Army it's good enough for me... unless of course one thinks our Army is just a bunch of pussies.

As for Gitmo, I seriously doubt the existence of Gitmo is what keeps us safe from terrorism.

Hmm, a strategy for dealing with detainees? As opposed to what, winging it?

Ric Larson said...

I just thought it intresting that the President had to ask his advisors what his executive order meant?

Doug said...

Consulting an adviser for advice. Whoever heard of such a thing.

Doug said...

One thing that has gone unnoticed here I think and it does merit pointing out is that Joe Biden's wife is very easy on the eyes. How does that work anyway? I mean yeah ok he's a US Senator but other than that he's basically dork-a-matic and here he is with this smoking hot blonde doctor.
Sorry Sean I realize this has nothing to do with executive orders but I just had to get that off my chest.

Sean said...

Doug - thanks, man - you got a smile out of me right before I head to bed.

Becki said...

Doug...Just keeping it real...right?

Sean said...

RAC - I'm not a religious nut bag or a strap-on feminist for sure. But, I do find it interesting that Obama would sign such an order on the day of the right to life march in DC. If this were, say, some executive order that were related negatively to the civil rights movement and a republican signed it on the day of the million man march, don't you think there would be an outcry about the insensitivity?

On gitmo - something like 66 of the detainees who've been released have been caught again in the act or planning the act of killing more Americans. If gitmo is closed, what do we do with these people? Do you think it would be a good idea for the president to have a plan for this before deciding to close the facility?

rac said...

The executive order states that Gitmo is to be closed within one year. This should be an adequate amount of time to decide what to do with the prisoners. No one is suggested they open the gates and set them all free.

The real problem as I see it is this. I've spent the last couple of days monitoring the "conservative" channels to see how you people would take to the new President. I've listened to your radio, watched your TV and read your written works. What I've witnessed is that it doesn't matter what our new President does, you people are going to bitch about it. From the way he took the Oath of Office to the style of tie he wears, its all been wrong in your eyes. What I would recommend is that all you Chicken Little's let the ink dry on the new stationary before you proclaim the end of the world. Maybe you can give the man a chance to actually fuck up (and he will) before you crucify him. At this early point in the game you sound like a bunch of sniveling little kids that didn't get their way. Add some objectivity in your argument and people might actually listen to you.

Sean said...

"You people"??? Wow, that used to be a no-no.

You might take a look at the coverage in 2001 or 2005 and see just how much slack Bush was given by "you you people". Did the same rules apply then?

Look, we can get deeper and deeper into character issues on either side. But there are some real differences in ideas on what America is, how we should deal with the rest of the world and how we should deal with our own domestic issues. We can disagree. We can discuss. We can even argue, but with any luck, we can all continue to have our say and not have to just shut up.

I've been talking about things that our new president promised he would do prior to the election and is now taking actions on. I think this is certainly fair game to comment on, disagree with and even object to.

rac said...

The proof is in the pudding. You say Obama reversed some obscure Bush era abortion order on the day of the right to life march. And yet when I search for evidence of this order I find none. Unless you can provide proof that such an order was issued then you are merely spreading misinformation to fan the flames of your political ideology. Facts and objectivity I will listen too - lies I will not.

Addendum: Here is an article I found stating he did not issue such an order. Here is a Google news search looking for evidence that he did.

Doug said...

Morning coffee and spirited discourse. Our forefathers would be proud. What's not to like about that.

rac said...

Here's an article which may help alleviate your "FEAR" that Gitmo detainees will be camped in your city parks next week.

Why the Gitmo policies may not change

Also, if signing the abortion order on the anniversary of Roe-v-Wade would have shown the President to be insensitive, what does a delay in such action say about him?

mat said...

OOh I know. Send the Club Gitmo detainees to Guam and let them pick up all the Bud cans on the side of the road.

Sean said...

OK - so he lifted the ban today, instead of yesterday.

Ric Larson said...

I wanted to leave a good logical comment, but Sean, Dave and Mat have already said it all... for me!

With the closing of 'Club Gitmo', Rush Limbaugh will lose a fortune! He has a fine line of 'Club Gitmo; apparel.

I'll be doing a lot of on-line shopping befor our Pesident shuts down the 'Limbaugh Show' (with the fairness act) and 'Club Gitmo'.

rac said...

Here's a thought. Maybe the Pres can keep Gitmo open and use it to lock-up Limbaugh and that ugly transvestite Ann Coulter. Now there's some fascism even I can buy into.

Only problem is "some people" might have to start thinking for themselves. It's as if we've become so industrialized (or stupid) that even our thoughts have to be prepackaged. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

rac said...

Ric, seriously though, do you honestly believe the government is going to shut down Rush Limbaugh? Because if they do, I'll move to Canada with you. I may not agree with much of what he says but I still believe in freedom of speech.

The problem is when his listeners start spewing off shit verbatim they heard on the radio and pretending it's their own words. If one is going to reference someone else's thoughts, they should at least give that person credit (e.g. "Rush said"). Otherwise it's plagiarism... not to mention more than a little creepy.

Ric Larson said...

RAC'ster, love hearing your point of view (it often makes scense to me...believe it or not?);)

I know a nice place in Canada, 'Liard Hot Springs'! See you there! :)

mat said...

Hey Robert, you know I listen to Rush because his viepoint rings true with my own beliefs. If you're a conservative, you listen to that viewpoint. If you're liberal you listen to other viewpoints. I also listen to Glenn Beck. He cracks me up but he really tells it like it is in a common sense way. I don,t listen to Sean Hannity. I think he's too self righteous and holier than thou. See, thats being fair. Can we discuss without being personal? I don't watch CNN or PMSNBC(thats a Rushism) because I think their reporting is biased. As a matter of fact, I don't watch any network news I read the local paper and watch local news in the morning while getting ready for work. I'm sorry that you're so bitter. We need another reunion so we can get tore up and talk about shit!

Doug said...

Glenn Beck tells it like it is huh? Like last week when Beck said he ... "checked and no President has ever taken the oath of office without a Bible..." in relation to Obama's do over of the oath in the Oval office.
This self avowed keeper of the facts and patron to the altar of truth needs to work on his research skills.
Point of information, at least two different presidents have not used a Bible while reciting the oath. John Quincy Adams (used a constitutional law volume) as well as Teddy Roosevelt. In fact there is no clear record of any president from John Quincy Adams through Tyler using a Bible during the recitation.
Beck sometimes strikes me as someone who feels his point will be lent more validity by berating, belittling and marginalizing those of opposing views.
But...I still watch him sometimes. Why...? because I enjoy & entertain opposing thought.

Ric Larson said...

OK, I guess it's no secrete that I listen to Mahah Rushy, Mark Levin, Mike Savage, and the rest? But Glen Beck I don't know?

Pssst, don't tell anyone, but I also listen to Christian Radio religiously too!

rac said...

No Matt, I'm not bitter at all. Why should I be; "we won". Hehe - just kidding.

But seriously though, I could care less who listens to what. The only thing that pisses me off is something I've been bitching about for months; I can't stand it when I hear otherwise intelligent adults complaining about shit that hasn't even happened and more than likely won't happen. It seems like Chicken Little syndrome is running rampant here.

The conservative media is one of the worst about playing on people's fears. I'm always amazed when I hear folks come on this blog telling me that Obama is going to take away our guns, shut down our press, bankrupt the country and declare martial law just because Ann "Andy" Coulter said that's what liberals do.

All I'm saying is don't be a bunch of sheep. Don't believe everything you hear. If people would learn to think for themselves they would be a lot less likely to drink the Kool-Aid. I know it is a little scary venturing out there on your own but believe me, being a free thinker can be a very rewarding experience. And despite what Rush keeps telling you, I can assure you the world is not going to end tomorrow.

Ric Larson said...

I forgot to mention that I also listen to the new syndicated Curtis Sliwa show on AM radio (he is the Head Guru, Commander in Chief and Big Cheese of the Guadian Angles). The dude is a total riot!

Doug said...

you're probably right that the world will not end tomorrow.
Everyone knows that it will end on 12/21/12 :)
Now there's a good thread topic for when things get slow.
The end of the Mayan calendar.
The day that the earth passes through the galactic equator.
The prophecies of the Oracle at Delphi, Merlin and Nostradamus.
But I digress.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, in 2112 AD, something may very well happen?

I have studied this subject in depth.

But the book that I read (the Bible) has not had all of it's prophecies completed for the end of the world as we know it. But I am sure our current President can fullfill them fast.

The Mayan were a very advanced people (in mathmatics and astronomy). Funny how all ancient great civilizations that held great knowledge...grumbled.

Doug said...

it's actually 2012. Just under four years from now. And while yes, something will happen that day I rather doubt it includes the end of times. But hey if any of you have solid info otherwise don't keep it a secret because I'm going to start charging up a bunch of shit on my credit cards.

Dave said...

Only God knows the day and the hour, but it could very well be tomorrow, or the next day or the next. Nobody on earth can assure anyone that it won't be very soon or a while longer. As for our new president... watch him very closely.

Joanna said...

Robert,Your words are full of wisdom.I really look up to you for saying how it really is.Keep the truth coming.We need you more than ever.All this conservatives freak me out.I agree wholeheartedly,let the new President Brack Obama have a chance to change what was left to us by the previous president Bush:(