Monday, January 30, 2012

hey peeps

Newt Gingrich is in my home town, Fort Myers Florida today. I only have one question for him. Why did your mother name you Newt?....a lizard

Friday, January 20, 2012

Notes From The Uninformed...

-So I got talked into playing a round of golf this past weekend. A game I gave up some time ago because I really was just never worth a shit at it. Mark Twain was right when he said that golf was a good walk wasted. Good thing they serve beer there.

-Want to play a fun game while you're stuck in gridlock? Count the number of people that are on cell phones while they're driving. I was at a red light the other day & 5 of the 7 cars that were making a turn from the arrow that went by were yakking away on their phone. WTF are all these people talking about. Hang up & drive dickhead.

-We are being overrun by burmese pythons in our fair state. The result no doubt of some jerk off releasing his pet into the wild a few years back. Problem here of course is that with this particular creature is that they will eat anything and I do mean a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. One was "culled" recently in the glades that had 60 some pounds of deer meat in it's gut. Experts had felt that salt water & cold would provide a natural barrier inhibiting northward migration. Except for the one that was tagged & released that apparently swam from Islamorada to Bonita Springs through the Gulf. 200 miles or so. Turns out not only are they not fazed by salt water they can drink and live for months on the stuff. So much for that theory. Thank God for experts huh?

-Hey speaking of experts...I'm not one on dumpster fires but I'm pretty sure that they're hot and that they smell bad. Kind of like the Republican primary. I hope it never ends. Just good TV right there. Oh don't go and get your partisan undies in a wad. The Democrats are just the same. Hypocritical, self serving assholes all of them.

-Oh hey and speaking of assholes. How about the current occupant signing into law the most recent expansion of patriot act powers. For the first time in our country's history the rule of posse comitatus no longer applies. That is to say our military can now be used against the people if deemed necessary in policing civilians. American citizens suspected of "terrorist dealings or association" can be arrested & held indefinitely without charge or recourse. Piss the wrong guy off and get yourself thrown into a very deep and dark hole. I know what you're thinking, well just don't do anything wrong and you got nothing to worry about right? Except who is making the what's right or what's wrong call. The enforcers are that's who. Remind anyone of anything? Think about it.

-Happy Birthday Matt. Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.

Monday, January 16, 2012

older is better!

When I was about 4 and lived in Hayward Wisconsin we had 2 Shetland ponies, Shorty and Smokey. on one very cold and snowy night, my dad brought the ponies into the house...the kitchen. Will never forget that dad. That was awesome:)Hey you guys remember something special? speak.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Happy Birthday, my oldest of friends.

Not to say that you are my friend who is oldest, but I'm pretty sure you are one of my very first friends and neighbors.