Thursday, December 24, 2009

Congratulations President Obama!

You are well on the way to returning slavery to America. For, when man is forced to labor without the benefitting from his labor, that is slavery. Your oft-imitated President Lincoln would surely be proud of you.


Pat said...

man? what about Woman? And by the way,he's tryin, unlike the last pres.

juliet said...

Did anyone notice that insurance stocks went up.

Pat said...

hafa adai

Pat said...

Ric, where ya been? you only comment on Seans stuff, sorry about that .

Doug said...

The Democrats waste money and ruin the economy, so we vote them out and put the Republicans in charge.
The Republicans waste money and ruin the economy, so we vote them out and put the Democrats in charge.
The Democrats waste money and ruin the economy, so we vote them out and...ah screw it.

"...the definition of insanity is attempting the same thing over and over and expecting different results..."
Albert Einstein

Sean said...

So, let's do something different - hold them accountable. Far too many are in their seats for life. The very idea the Robert Byrd is still casting votes that affect you and me is ludicrous.

Doug said...

Well I'm all for that except the only problem I see is that they're all pretty much the same.
The minority party does whatever it can to obstruct the majority and gain power. The majority party does whatever it can to overcome the obstruction of the minority and maintain power.
All other considerations are secondary.
The result, woefully incompetent and ineffective government.

Sean said...


Doug said...

No really.
One of the originators of the modern day third party movement was Alabama Governor George Wallace. Now his politics aside (which were in some ways abhorrent) he said that there is not a "dimes worth of difference between the Democratic & Republican parties".
Did the former administration in any one of their eight years run a budget surplus? Or even break even maybe? What's different now?
Troops in Iraq? Check. Increased troop levels in SW Asia. Roger that. Gitmo, El Same-O.
Congress approving rising the debt level ceiling by 300 Billion just to keep government from defaulting so that they could all go home for Christmas? Ground Hog Day.
Maybe what some people have such a visceral problem with currently is not so much what's being done as much as who is doing the doing.
The point being that history shows us that irresponsible and unsustainable spending and foreign/domestic policy is hardly peculiar to either party.
But hey, hang in there. In my opinion the 2010 mid terms will swing the balance back in the other party's favor. Or at the very least greatly level the majority balance.
And things will be different THEN won't they?
Long Live The Republic.