Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hi everyone

I see the blog's been real slow. no one is in a talkin mood.
My only news is I'm still workin and FLA has been cold...warmed up this week though. (still too cold for this Guamanian) 6am at the pool, cold water :) my baby, 14 yrs old had surgery 2 weeks ago. circumcision...ouch, he bounced back quick and still made his baseball playoffs. ok, all you guys can say oooh ooouch in unison now :)
miss ya'll...ty Juliet for keepin on.


juliet said...

Is he jewish or something?

Doug said...

Pretty sure there's plenty of circumcised members populating this planet whose owners are not of the Jewish faith.

juliet said...

I really had never thought about it until I was a student nurse at the nursery. I participated in preparing for newborns by strapping them into the little preformed try so the doctor could cut of their foreskins. It was horrible, traumatizing and dawning on me at that it was so wrong. I think the hospital at that time could tack on an extra an $500 fee for that. It never caught on in Europe and I don't believe that humans are born with something that should be removed. It is more a cultural practice. My husband is not circ'd and I refused to have it done to my sons. Never had a health problem.

Sean said...

I've got two daughters but I did discuss this with my wife in case we did have boys. We wouldn't have circumcised them.

Now, if we're talking about a procedure to circum-SIZE then I'm sure the ladies would be all for it!

juliet said...

Seems the rates are dropping for circumsion in the US but some kids that aren't choose to do it because they want to be like the other kids in the locker room. It is funny what we routinely do to newborns in the states and then rant about female circumcision in Africa and the Middle East.

Pat said...

Ian isn't Jewish. poor boy had health issues. To quote him..."This is my Manhood,do what we gotta do".
And he was a trooper I have to say.
I adore that boy :)

Pat said...

And BTW Doug, you're right. In our day, that was the norm for a baby boy. I had my birth son circumcised. Now 2 of my adopted boys have had problems and had to have it done later in their lives. Juliet, you may think it's barbaric for infants, but try watching your prepubescence 14 yr year old go through it.