Friday, October 7, 2011


OK so in the interest of freshening up the board for Matt let's consider for a moment or two the ever approaching end of the world as we know it. At least according to the Mayan calendar. The first order of business is to attempt to lend credibility (or lack thereof) to the Mayan capability of accurately predicting global cataclysm.
On the one hand the Mayans are known to have been brilliant astronomers, mathematicians & natural scientists. On the other hand they were well, Mayans. A culture that closely tied the success of their annual harvest to the number of heads that could be separated from the bodies of enemies and under achieving laborers. A civilization that virtually evaporated in the course of months. Vanished. Where in the fook did all these people go?
I have a calendar on my wall that ends on 12/31/11. Even after a few Budweisers (or Hamms Ric) I still cannot reasonably proclaim that this foretells the ghastly implosion of Mother Earth. No, more likely it simply means that I will soon need a new calendar.
That said, for the sake of discussion let's for a moment weigh the benefits and drawbacks of an end of the world type scenario that some say the end of the Mayan calendar portends.
-I can tell my wife that she's getting a new mercedes for Christmas.
-An end to annual prostate exams.
-No more American Idol.
-Donald Trump will at last learn that you indeed can't take it with you.
-No more mosquitos.
-I may at last make some use of my stockpile of canned goods & ammo.

-I am due a promotion January 2013
-My 5 year CD matures that April.
-The Jack Daniels Distillery would likely cease operations.
-There would be no one to feed my cats. Although, I suspect that the area bird population would put this in the top category.
-It would probably suck.

Discuss. Please feel free to add to either list. It's only 14 months. Time's wasting.


Pat said...

wow, what the hell? all Guamanians are lost.the white ones anyway. too bad miss you guys....especially Dougie. happy face

Doug said...

Back 'atcha sweetie.

Becki said...

Pros - No more house payment
Cons - No more little dog or granddaughters

juliet said...

One for Sean- No more big government.

juliet said...

No more grind in the Cairo traffic. No more dreams of what kind of kitty I am going to get when I don't travel any more. Darn, no chance to use all my loyalty points.

mat said...

no more sewer backups to deal with at work.
But I couldnt go fishing with my grandsons

Pat said...

Dougie, I'm sorry about your cats. I hope someone will feed them. As for Jack Daniels...I'm sure they'll survive. hey we live in FLA

Doug said...

Friggn' cats will be fine. They get hungry enough they'll just go out and find something to eat. But only after torturing the creature to death for sport.
The younger one got a squirrel not long ago, nothing but the tail left when he was done.