Friday, October 31, 2008

America Beware...


rac said...

Hypothetically speaking, so what if a Presidential candidate is Christian or not? Does it really matter? There is a word for this type of thought... it's called bigotry.

Doug said...

I fear that this country is going to come uncorked over this election.

Dave said...

No it doesn't make a difference what religion a presidential candidate practices. What does matter is that they are pro-American and whether or not they are able to tell the truth. I can't help but feeling that Obama is hiding and covering up the truth. Aside from the issues, I for one do not want a president who is blatantly dishonest.

Doug said...

The two party system makes it inevitable that each party's nominee compromises their true ideals and beliefs, whatever they may be. There simply is not enough support solely within ones own party to win the required electoral votes for the presidency. This leads over time to an endless cavalcade of hypocrisy, missteps and untruths by both nominees as they step on each others dicks telling voters what they think they want to hear. It is inevitable that there will be troubling contradictions. To imply that one guy is more honest or somehow resides on some mythical higher ground than the other is an exercise in self deception.

Dave said...

The implied mythical higher ground all boils down to higher moral ground. Each candidate's record speaks for itself, and only time will tell.

Cindy said...

I’ve been volunteering with the Obama campaign here and had the privilege of attending the Obama Rally in Sarasota yesterday…it was an empowering experience…to me it represented what is so great about our country…a very, very diverse group of people… all ages, all colors, including a woman dressed in what looked like traditional Amish clothes to some ladies who looked like walking the streets at night was their profession …. We waited in a line at least six blocks long to get into the stadium. It was very much a happy party atmosphere , a lot of joking., many people selling t-shirts, buttons…a couple of very enterprising young black men had a bar-b-que grill going and were peddling hot dogs and sodas. Inside, when it came time to sing the National Anthem and say the Pledge, everyone was very respectful. ..there were more than 13,000 of us. It was defiantly a powerful experience., the positive energy in the air could be felt physically and Obama’s speech was great. I got a little choked up when I witnessed a couple of young, hip, black guys respectfully help an older white lady get to the front of the crowd so she could get a good picture of Obama. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings in writing but it sure will be an experience I’ll never forget… defiantly an experience that makes it easy to ignore the ugliness, hate and negativity that has been a part of this election.

Cindy said...

and Ric....yes I know I'm just proving to you that I'm a Dem because I'm talking about my FEELINGS.....but I DO have a college degree, think I'm a pretty smart lady, do lots of research, and make decisions with my BRAIN too.

Ric Larson said...

Good stuff Dave!

rac said...

I would think the radical Christian right would welcome an Obama victory. It brings them closer to Armageddon and gives them something to collectively fear and hate; an essential element in filling the coffers and pews.

James Dodson's letter of the future under an Obama presidency

(BTW, I'm pretty sure Dobson is gay. He comes across as way too homophobic to not be.)

rac said...

For the record, not all Christian fundamentalist preach the rhetoric of HATE that is so common among the self proclaimed voices of Christ.

Associated Baptist Press article

Dave said...

If what James Dobson speculates to be coming under an Obama presidency is even remotely possible, then I would consider it far too great a risk to ever vote for him. Again, look at his past history, look at his voting record and look at who he has been hanging around with. Who is the pro-gay candidate? Who is the pro-abortion candidate? Who do you think is more likely to become an anti-Christian president? In fact, the vast majority of democrats in America are far to the right of where senator Obama stands. For sure change is coming... only not the kind of change that we would hope for.

rac said...

Fear not my friend. It's been my experience that things never turn out as bad as we originally anticipate. Given the record of our current administration, I would think any kind of change will be an improvement... even if it includes Sarah Palin. ugh!

Ric Larson said...

What really worries me is a particular Presidential Candidate that is on record saying, "I am my brothers keeper, I am my sisters keeper..."etc. Yet this particular Candidate has not sent a penny to his brother that lives in a hut in Kenya making $12.00 a year or month, and has an Aunt living illegally in the States (in the slums some where)and he has not given his Aunt or Brother any assistance.

This particular candidate will not, nor did not give a cent of his own money to help the needy, including his own family...but will expect the rest of the tax payers to take care of his own kin even when he has the resources to take care of the himself.

Beware America! Be very scared America! Things could, and will get very ungly as soon/if this particular person is elected into Office!

rac said...

"This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days".

From FDR’s First Inaugural Address

Ric Larson said...

WOW RAC'ster, you sure have a way to calm a situation! Always respect and admire your point of view (even if I disagree at times). Hope your right on this one!

Went to a gun show this weekend (yes, here in New York), never felt more safe, secure and at home! Everyone was packing (but me). And what was nice to know, all these guys and gals were law abiding, passed a back ground check and had permits. It was the people on the streets that scared me the most, knew they were packing too, but probably did not pass a back ground check or hold a permit.