Sunday, November 9, 2008

This one's for you Ric


Ric Larson said...

Wow RAC, thanks (I hope)!

But unfortunatly, I am unable to view the vidio because I am on my 'desk top' right now, that has a phone line connections to the internet. Takes months to view something like a vidio. And my wife is currently on the 'lap top', that has the wireless and hi-speed thing going for it. Got to wait till she gets off before I can view it.

But before I view it, I must say that I am very proud to be a Veteran: 3 years active duty as and enlisted infrantyman, 4 years as an NCO (SGT.E-5) in the National Guard, two years again active duty as an (AD) infanty officer after commisioning, back again as an National Guard Infanty Officer, and then final (infinite) assignemt into the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR).

With Veterans Day approaching, I want to wish a very Happy Veterans Day to all of you Dean's Circle Vets! RAC, Dave, Matt & DRL (and for those that I may have missed).

Paul said...

You should get a wireless card for your desktop unit to share the high speed connection with both computers.

Ric Larson said...

Paul, have no idea what you are talking about? But I am sure my wife would know what a 'wireless card' is for the desk top? She is after all the computer 'guru' in our marriage! I will ask her about it! (Hmmmm....maybe there is a reason why she never mentioned it to me?....Hmmmm?) :)

Chris Larson, Happy Veterans day to you pal!

Ric Larson said...

WOW RAC, that was moving! Reminded me of a lot of stuff that I went through on active duty and in the National Guard!

Thanks man, it really did bring a few tears to my eye!

Cheers, Ric