Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Got The Swine Flu Blues

I've been in denial the past couple of days but if it walks like a pig...oinks like a pig. I have all the symptoms including 102.6 temp tonight. This is miserable, ugh, just take me out back and shoot me. All I can say is get your flu shot!!!!


Doug said...

I thought you had gotten your swine flu vaccine. Guess not. I'm sorry you're sick. Get well soon. In the meantime...
vodka and oj

Dave said...

Sorry, unfortunately there's not enough vaccine to go around, until flu season is well underway or over with. Ginger Ale and Tobasco work wonders for me.. Hang in there Cindy, hope you feel better soon.

rac said...

I seem to recall Cindy got the seasonal flu shot. Interestingly, there is a Canadian study suggesting the seasonal flu shot increases ones risk of getting swine flu. Can't win for losing (whatever the hell that's suppose to mean). Get well soon, Sis.

Cindy said...

Thanks guys, I'm feeling a bit better this morning. I always swear by the "vicks vaporub smeared all over the chest" cure...also works as a last minute birth control

We got a limited supply of H1N1 vaccine at work and employees who have direct patient care are at the top of the list for getting it.

Sean said...

Most of Anna's second grade class were out with H1N1 on Monday. At least three of them tested positive, so we are going on the assumption that's what they all had. Anna was sick for a few days (high fever, sore throat, cough, red cheeks), but now she's feeling much better. She's still got a cough though.

Amanda started showing symptoms yesterday and ran a 102.5 fever most of the night. She still has a fever, but not as high, and seems to be pulling through all right.

My take, is that this H1N1 has a high infection rate, but isn't particularly nasty when you get it. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

Feel better, Cindy.

Doug said...

It's all over the place. It actually is showing signs of having a fairly high rate of lethality in children. 84 already this year when compared to 50 from seasonal flu all of last year. Basically the younger you are the more at risk you are.
I believe what you say about rate of infection and severity is pretty spot on, for now.
Even if it does remain relatively mild figuring an infection rate of 100 million with a mortality rate of 1/2 -1% which is fairly typical for seasonal flu, well you do the math.

Joanna said...

Cindy, Get well soon!!! For everyone also:)

Joanna said...

I'm not taking the chance of not doing the shot because I've seen T.V. news that shows these kids "known to be very healthy kids" go from riding bikes to playing football and now they are on ventilators to breathe for them for their life.

Cindy said...

It's been a week now and I am still spending most of my time in bed. Ended up in the ER last night and had 2 breathing treatments and 2 liters of IV saline for dehydration. This sure is a bad bug...I'm ready to start feeling better!

Doug said...

Good lord Cindy. You are freaking me out.

juliet said...

Cindy did they swab you and confirm it was swine flu? Hang in there.

Joanna said...

Cindy,We'll pray for you. You are on the frontlines and hope you get well very soon!!! You give yourself up everyday for the rest of us.

Cindy said...

Well, it looks like I'm going to survive this...hopefully back to work tomorrow..can't remember ever being this sick before, ugh..maybe age...don't bounce back like I used to. Our health dept is starting vaccine clinics this week, I volunteered to help one evening, I certainly feel more passionate than ever about people doing that they need to do to keep from getting the flu.

Juliet, I didn't get swabbed..the rapid screen is only 10-70% accurate and a PCR test is really expensive. 96% of the tests our state lab is doing are positive for H1N1 so we are assuming anyone with flu symptoms has swine flu even without a test. Later when we start seeing seasonal flu it will be more difficult for our docs to treat without knowing because seasonal flu is resistant to Tamiflu and H1N1 is sensitive.

Joanna said...

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better,just watchout for a relapse. We take Airborne which is mostly vitamin C.