Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gerald Walpin vindicated, will demand job back

In June, the White House fired Gerald Walpin as Inspector-General of the Corporation for National and Community Service after he objected to an unusually-favorable settlement of fraud charges against a Barack Obama ally in Sacramento. The Obama administration insisted that Walpin got fired for instability and strongly hinted that Walpin was senile, but a series of actions against IGs seemed to show that Obama had decided to attack their independence. Yesterday, the IGs struck back by clearing Walpin of the White House’s allegations through their professional board, and now Walpin wants his job back.

Read the rest here.


Doug said...

Well this all somehow rings vaguely familiar. What was it now...hmmm...oh yes now I remember.
The previous administration's firing of seven US attorney's and forced resignation of 17 or so others for their perceived lack of support for, and real world implementation through the courts of Republican party ideology. One might recall former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, whose office is responsible for IG oversight ultimately ended up resigning in part for being less than forthright to Congress investigating the firings.
So what might one surmise from all these political shenanigans? Perhaps that the Office Of The President would much prefer a Department Of Justice sympathetic to their agenda.
For obvious reasons.
Not being terribly familiar with the Walpin firing I hope he gets his job back for no other reason than that it benefits self government to have a few royal pains in the ass sniping at those in power. Keeps 'em looking over their shoulder dontcha' know.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

Dave said...

Sniping.. is that anything like snipe hunting?

Doug said...

You know that reminds me of another thing, anyone remember looking for the elusive "doog doog crab"

Sean said...

Apples and Oranges, Doug. The US attorney's serve at the president's pleasure and can (and are) fired without reason. Past presidents (Bush, Clinton, etc.) have all done this.

IG's are supposed to be independant watchdogs. They can be fired by presidents, but there are laws regulating this (ignored by Obama).

What do you think about the attempt at character assassination by this administration towards this IG?

Pat said...

gee, i don't recall the doog doog crab.

Pat said...

was that the doug doug crab, only spelled differently?

Doug said...

shortly after I moved to the island I was at Tumon and some local guy ( a real prankster) told me to look in the holes on the beach for "doog doog" crabs He said to creep up to the hole real quiet like and start chanting doog doog doog doog and the crab would come out of their hole.
So I in true dumbass form am out there on the beach for everyone's amusement going doog doog doog doog searching for the mythical doog doog crab.
Kind of like going snipe hunting.

Doug said...

I did say vaguely familiar for that very reason. I am aware that the two situations are not exactly alike.
I agree that IG's are independent watchdogs and their firing should raise eyebrows. I also said that not being terribly familiar with all aspects and the rationale for Walpin's dismissal that I hope he gets his job back. If for no other reason than that it will mean one less person in the unemployment line. Plus he's pissing off people in power so he must be doing something right.
As for the issue of "character assassination" well, I mean really. Welcome to the Beltway. It's a playground for big boys. What exactly was said by the office that constituted character assassination anyway? I'm not trying to be flippant I really would like to know before formulating an opinion.
If you find character assassination alarming than you must be apoplectic at some of the portrayals the President has been the recipient of over the last year.
Or is that "apples and oranges"?

Sean said...

I wish I could search on this blasted blogging site so I could find my earlier postings on Walpin.

Anyway, they didn't just fire him they made it out like he was some dottering old fool who was full into senility. Moreover, the indications are that Walpin was fired to protect an Obamabuddy - Kevin Johnson. I wonder if there will be any accountability for that?

Sean said...

White House Plays Hardball; Says Fired IG Walpin Was "Confused, Disoriented" Engaged in "Inappropriate Conduct"

from back in June.

Sean said...

(and I'm wondering how much longer Jake Tapper will have a place at ABC news. He seems to be the only reporter left at ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC who's actually asking probing questions of the administration)

Pat said...

hahahaa dougie! what a classic memorie my boy! put a big smile on me :)

Doug said...

Tapper will still have a place, back there by the potted plant in the back of the press room. As far as accountability, well now that is one commodity in woefully short supply. And I mean everywhere.

Doug said...

I remember trying that same trick on my daughters when they were much younger one fine day at the beach.
It's actually pretty funny when it's not you doing the doog doog doog thing out there. They actually figured it out pretty quick that daddy was full of shit.
I recommend trying it on the next gullible youngster you encounter at the beach, Good times.

Pat said...

Ah ha! you found out the girls were smarter than daddy! that sucks huh?

Doug said...

It's only gotten worse.

Pat said...

I feel for ya babe

Pat said...

There's a lesson for us all somewhere. when You're looking for crabs and someone tells you to say doog doog doog doog over and over...because the crabs will emerge, throw their ass in the surf!