Sunday, August 29, 2010

Best Ever

Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day.

As they walk, they come across a sign:
"Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I am entering!" said Snow White.
After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, "Well, how'd ya do?"
" First Place ," said Snow White.

They continue walking and they see a sign:
"Contest for the strongest man in the world."
"I'm entering," says Superman.
After half an hour, he returns and they ask him, "How did you make out?"
" First Place ," answers Superman. "Did you ever doubt?"

They continue walking when they see a sign:
"Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"
Pinocchio enters.

After half an hour he returns with tears in his yes.

"What happened?" they asked.
"Who the hell is Obama?" asked Pinocchio.


mat said...

I disagree Sean. I don't think he lied. He is who he is and he ran on his core beliefs. Koolaid has a magical effect on some people and a lot of voters including a lot of moderates were burned out on Bush. As the old saying goes,Why did the hippies flock to Timothy Leary's yard? They heard the grass was greener!Hahaha! Now you know why I say "Wait for it". Peace brother. And tell us how the march goes.

Doug said...

I seem to recall a certain kind of tea having a "magical effect" on me years ago.

mat said...

Ah yes Doug.The tea.In our youth we all had our concoctions.My dad would pour a glass of vodka and mix Tang with it. That was breakfast. I was always a beer drinker though I do like my SevenSevens during the holidays.I seem to remember a lot of wine drinking in my youth.Catholic upbringing I guess. Hahaha.