Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dang, is it ever quiet at the bus stop!


mat said...

yea Ric, real quiet.Lazy days of summer I guess. Grillin and chillin and kicking it around the house.I'm still trying to get the time/energy to finish fixing my truck.It's hard for my son in law to come up from Pueblo to help because of his work schedule.

juliet said...

Dog days of summer and busy un packing. Hi everyone.

Ric Larson said...

Still unpacking Juliet? Don’t feel bad. Teresa and I moved into our Townhouse 4 months ago, and we are still unpacking.

Ric Larson said...

Matheeeeww, I’m with you all the way on the Grill’n and Chill’n stuff! Still fix’n the truck? Mine just got out of the shop, blown alternator. But the baby has 250,000 miles on it and it keeps Rollin along! I use to stomp around in Pueblo in my Ft. Carson days, oh those days!

mat said...

My oldest daughter lives in Pueblo and we go there almost every weekend to see the grandsons. I know Pueblo as well as the Springs.

mat said...

Hi Juliet.The only good thing about moving is setting everything up the way you like it.It's like re-arranging your house to the tenth power.Hahaha.

Doug said...

Ah the Bus Stop. Where aspiring scribes (and we had more than a few) could hone their craft .
Conveying through words & pictures their feelings for each other and the events of the day.

If I were in the Bus Stop right now here's what I would write. Maybe,,,kinda sorta...

Fed Chairman Ben Bernake last week described the US economy as "unusually uncertain". ???!! I mean that's one of those things you can read like ten times and still not figure out exactly WTF that's supposed to mean. Except that it doesn't sound good whatever it is.

Hey here's something. For those of you concerned with home defense in the upcoming "unusually uncertain" times but are hesitant to buy and become proficient with a firearm...wasp & hornet spray.
It is as effective as tactical grade mace, more accurate, shoots a spray like 20 feet and it's way cheaper. Non-lethal deterrent. Although the guy that you spray that stuff into his mouth & eyes may WISH he was dead.
Plus it kills varmints like mice & snakes.

Pat said...

Thanks Doug for whatever you did or didn't do. I can now blog with out computer freezing up. My hero as always.

Dave said...

I'm still alive, have my buck knife out, and am about to carve BOJAK WUZ HERE in one of the bus stop benches. You gotta love the summer time. Hope you're all having a good one..

Ric Larson said...

Dave, this summer has been a BLAST! Good to hear from you!