Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wheres Juliet!

So anybody hear from Juliet?A lot of crazy shit happening in her neck of the woods right now.


Doug said...

I dunno. I was thinking about that the other day.

Sean said...

I chatted with her last week when this was just starting to kick up. Desi had some contact with her son on Sunday and posted this to facebook: Just heard from Juliet's son, Heinz. He just talked with his mom (Juliet) on the phone - She wants us to know "...she's ok. She says she's 'staying through the revolution, and that they are using caution; everything is ok'..From the news most of the stuff has calmed down." So that's GOOD NEWS :-)

But, it would be nice to hear some regular updates from her and know she's alright.

It would also be very interesting to know what's really happening over there some someone on the ground. Is this the first step towards a democratic state or another brick in the new global caliphate?

Doug said...

There is a fairly large secular, pro democratic population in Egypt.
Here's hoping they don't get shoved aside by the militant minority. This would suck immensely.

mat said...

Thanks Sean. Personally I would split because I know the militants would sense the "America love it or leave it" attitude and there would be no where to hide. Juliet is pretty savvy and level headed.I wish she'd leave though and I hope she stays safe. I'll pray for her.

juliet said...

Sorry to post the same as on my FB but no time to get individual responses. Things are going down hill fast as we spreak shooting and looting. Furnature up against the door going to run for the airport in the morning.
Got Internet today. Things are getting bad here. Exit strategy next move. Just got back from the airport to get our tickets. We are okay. Have some great video and shots while standing on the street infront of our office which is located on the famous Tahrir street that you all are seeing on TV. We left just in time as the two factions that are now fighting in Tahrir were going down the street. One group came on camels, donkeys and horses I kid you not! No gas, No banks open and it is going to get polarized among the people. Murbarak is a wily cat and it is not over till its over. I fear his strategy is to divide and conquer by presenting an impression of "restoring order". Love you all and thanks for your concern. I asked my son to try to keep everyone informed. Will let you know when I am out of here. I think they are going to cut the phones again so don't worry if you don't hear from me.

juliet said...

Did Matt really write I "was level headed" someone save this file before he has a chance to delete that. Hahaha I love you all! As we all know it is always good to leave before the party ends.

Sean said...

What is your destination, Juliet?

juliet said...

Anderson Cooper from CNN just got beat up on Tahrir Square. We really just missed getting in the middle of that by seconds. Had gone to give our employees money. An unbelievable sight to see the bedouins coming in on Donkeys and Camels and horses. I will never forget it. We were on the opposite traffic.

Sean said...

Juliet is heading to Germany tomorrow morning.

Dave said...

Get the hell outta there while the gettin is good Juliet, I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.
Makes a person glad to be in the good old USofA. Stay safe Juliet...

Pat said...

She said yesterday, they're making a move. I so hope so.

mat said...

Now I feel bad for asking!

Joanna said...

Stay safe Juliet and Hans.