Monday, October 12, 2009

Turns out even God is too liberal

A group of conservatives think the Bible is too liberal and plan to do something about it. The Conservative Bible Project seeks to "take the text back to its right-wing roots." Gotta admit I'm a little confused here. All this time they've been telling us the Bible is the literal Word of God and now they're going to turn around and tell God what to say? I give them credit though, that does take some balls. Still, I don't think I'd be playing golf in any thunderstorms if I were them.


booniedawg said...

Interested to see how the re-write comes out. Perhaps more in line with fundamentalist Islamic interpretations?

Doug said...

Perhaps they are of the opinion that the New Testament does not have enough references to smiting and casting out.
You know, wrath of God type stuff.

juliet said...

Hey the Moslems accept Jesus as a prophit. But maybe the new bible should change the part about the last supper. You know Jesus seemed to hang out only with guys and all. Maybe he appears too liberal.

booniedawg said...

Juliet, Exactly. All that talk about peace and love, caring for the sick and poor, Pissing off the religious right of the day, challenging the religious and civil leaders, and consorting with people who would never be accepted in a proper respectable church. Liberal at the least and quite possibly a long haired hippy liberal leftist with socialist tendencies. This could lead to ......well it's a slippery slope

Dave said...

To mock God is a slippery slope indeed. Don't forget what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah..

booniedawg said...

Dave, You missed my point (in a HUGE way). I am not mocking God. I do wish you could see how far from Christ's teachings the church has gotten. I don't think Christ would be to worried about being labeled any of the things I called him especially when his message is being so twisted and perverted by the mainstream church in America. I really feel that the so called fundamentalist evangelical movement in America is straight from the pit of hell. A spirit of anti-christ. Hate, judgment and self righteousness have replaced grace, mercy and a burden for our fellow humans. The antagonism for environmental concerns flys in the face of stewardship for God's creation. I could go on and on but you get my point.

Cindy said...

Matt, you always go a great job of saying just what I'm thinging...thanks.