Thursday, September 3, 2009

In Honor of The Labor Day Weekend--3.5 minutes of Cape Coral Florida lightning and Van Morrison


rac said...

Very cool. Is that your house?

Doug said...

Very nice Cindy.
One of these days I'm going to move to Florida.

Pat said...

yep, we were watching. My cat was beside himself. near full moon too.

Pat said...

your roots are in Tallahassee Doug. you see a part of fla we never see. Of course your zorries are still on Guam though.

Doug said...

It really is pretty remarkable how different this state is from north to south.
Still though...if I lived in the REAL Florida I could take you and Patsy to see Inglorious Bastards.

Cindy said...

Yes, that's true Doug...and no it's not my house..I have a high privacy fence around my backyard which makes it great for skinny-dipping in the pool but also blocks the view to the outside world too.

Doug said...

Well then I know where I'm headed when I make the trek. To Cindy's. Don't mind me I'll just pitch a tent out back...inside the fence.

Pat said...

No worries Doug. I'm sure Cindy will invite you in. ;)