Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A GM Merry Christmas

My father-in-law, a retired 30-year GM employee, just received his $700 Christmas bonus from GM. WTF? Even he was baffled by it.


Ric Larson said...

It's always nice to get a Christmas bonus! But was he baffled because of the current financial situation with in the auto industry or because it was higher or lower than expected?

In my line of work, I usually never get a bonus. But this year I got one? And I too was baffled! My salary is paid with Medicaid dollars. And for the 'one year' that this Country is in financial troubles; I got a bonus? Does not make financial sense to me?

So I gave it to the charity.

Dave said...

When I was in the CG, our annual Christmas bonus was given out with much fanfare, pomp and ceremony. It was a "10 minute" pre-paid phone card from wal-mart, worth a whopping value of $1.00 (or less). We used to pool them all together and give them to the brokest person in our crew. Whoever said uncle sam isn't generous?

rac said...

I just find it more than a little odd that they (GM) would go begging for a hand-out only to squander it on frivolous expenses. No wonder why they're going bankrupt. I say let them eat cake.

Doug said...

What is this "bonus" you speak of?

rac said...

Doug: the $700 Christmas bonus GM gave their retirees.

Cindy said...

Doug I think RAC missed your sarcasam.

Doug said...

One of the inherent problems with solely written communication. Sometimes your tone gets lost in the reading. But you're right, it was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I am with you that! Was against the 'bail out' from the beginning, but for different reasons that you expressed.

Doug, one thing about blogging or emailing, it is difficult if not almost impossible to know the tone of the person writing. There is lack of nonverbal communication, wich is 90% of most communications between people. But I like the way you worded it better.

And Dave, I never got a bonus while in the Army. They have always said that the best branch of service is the Coast Guard! :) Civilian life treating you OK? I know when I got out of the Army, took me a while to adjust.

rac said...

And I still don't get it. My blond roots must be showing thru. ;)

Ric Larson said...

Now, that was funny RAC'ster! :)

illustrationISM.... said...

Either GiMme is hoping
that they'll be saved by the
government after 'the season of giving'
OR (God Forbid)
That's pre-payment of his severance check (gold-leafed 'COAL' for Christmas)!

I hope it's the former -
Merry Christmas and a better New Year!

illustrationISM.... said...

i just read...he's retired! Nevermind...i'm baffled NOW TOO!