Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2 Americans Win Nobel Prize In Economics

I didn't even have to read the story; the headline alone cracked me up. Talk about irony. Read story here.


Doug said...

"WASHINGTON — Elinor Ostrom became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in economics, honored along with fellow American Oliver Williamson on Monday for analyzing economic governance – the rules by which people exercise authority in companies and economic systems..."

Why do I have this vision of Rush Limbaugh exploding like a bag of meat dropped from a helicopter when he reads this.

juliet said...


Dave said...

"There has been a huge discussion how the big banks, the big investment banks have acted badly, with bosses who have misused their power, misused their shareholders' confidence, and that is in line with (Williamson's) theories," prize committee member Per Krusell said.

They must be talking about the federal government..

Cindy said...

Yesterday I went online to check my 401k....had been avoiding it for awhile, it was just too sad last time I looked...well, to my surprise I am almost back up to where I was before all the bad times....what do all the doom and gloomers have to say about this situation?

juliet said...

Thats great.

rac said...

Yes, I seem to recall being told our economy was going to collapse this year. Now with the Dow hitting 10,000 this week I'm wondering why we didn't switch to socialism earlier.

Dave said...

Keep your bubbles away from any type of sharp object, and celebrate at your own risk. Remember.. our country (you) are in debt to the tune of several trillions of dollars. I don't understand how you can be gloating over that fact.

rac said...

Maybe Dave, but it seems conservatives wish the country would have fallen into ruins. That way they could say "I told you so". I guess being right is more important than doing right.

Dave said...

The truth is, the country wouldn't have fallen into ruins. That's only what the government want's you to believe. Only certain crooked and corrupt corporations would have failed. Those corporations that after you the tax payer bailed them out, are continuing to hold their tin cups out for more. They remain on the verge of failure. If they are going to fail, let them fail. That's the way this country works.