Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Who needs the Olympics when you can win one of these....


Doug said...

...U.S. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele contended that Obama won the prize as a result of his "star power" rather than meaningful accomplishments.
"The real question Americans are asking is, What has President Obama actually accomplished?" Steele said....

As an American I don't really recall asking myself that "real question". Seems only fair to wait until oh I don't know maybe after his first year or two. But since you ask Mr. Steele, being elected to the nations highest office and winning a Nobel prize would look pretty good on anyone's resume.

Dave said...

But it does make a person wonder.. what did he do in his first two weeks in office, which is when the nomination was made and finalized, what has he actually done since then, and is it really an honor to be classified as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, in the same category with Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. I know it wasn't his decision, but c'mon let's get real for a moment. There are hundreds of people out there that have done a multitude of things to promote peace on earth who much more deserve this award. In my opinion, it only diminishes the value of such a 'prize', when it is so frivolously given.

rac said...

Republicans rejoiced when we lost the Olympic bid and now are pissed the President won the Nobel Peace Prize. Yep, nothing partisan about that. I think Rush Limbaugh expressed the Republican mind set best: "We all agree with the Taliban and Iran."

rac said...

BTW Dave, Teddy Roosevelt also won the Peace Prize, the only other sitting U.S. President to do so.

Doug said...

I think that there should be a Nobel prize for being an argumentative asshole.
I could compete for that one.

rac said...

Oops my bad, Woodrow Wilson also won while in office.

Sean said...

Well, THIS republican didn't rejoice when we lost the bid for Olympics, though I certainly can't stop you from misrepresenting it that way.

I recall the amazement that 0-bama actually inserted "HIMself" into the process, spent millions to fly HIMself and entourage over and that he was actually speaking in positive notes about America (probably for the first time in his "adult life").

It was also sad to note how completely he misjudged his star power and the number of votes in his pocket or under his sway. Not exactly what I'd call "good intelligence".

The bottom line is that he still hasn't actually accomplished anything. Good intentions and "efforts" don't really make one exceptional. Imagine if Dr. Jarvic only "made an effort" to develop an artificial heart. Or, if Armstrong simply "tried" to land on the moon. Or, if Lincoln only "talked about" freeing slaves.

Joanna said...

Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson won that prestigious award in the early 1900's.It's 2009 and Barrack Obama won it.Why you might ask,well he's all for world Peace and if that's not good enough, then tell me what is the prior administrations? Heck,he couldn't even speak English correctly most of the time. English as a second language:)

Dave said...

Not only Republicans rejoice when an arrogant, self centered, anti-American-Marxist wolf in sheeps clothing gets rejected by people who can see through his charade.

Game on Doug, let's see you (or anyone else) top that one, for the coveted Nobel 'AA' prize.

Cindy said...

What has he done? How about helping to create a shift in the culture of our country from one that is closed, conservative, separatist to one that is the colorful, diverse, bipartisan, multicultural melting pot America was meant to be. He has helped to create a feeling of leaving the past behind and creating a country where ALL people can live up to their full potential regardless of their race, color, sex or religion.

rac said...

Which is exactly why the right is so afraid of him.

juliet said...

Cindy I don't really see that happening. The Democrats sold out on the public option for health care. There are only 14 states in the USA that do not discriminate against women for health insurance. On the average we pay 48% more for health insurance and are denied coverage for things like having a C-section. 10 months into this adm. and where do we stand with regard to the big issues.

Anyway here is what the NPC had to say:

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 English
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

juliet said...

Good reasons why he should not have gotten it.

booniedawg said...

“From our standpoint, you know, we think that this gives us a sense of momentum … when the United States has accolades tossed its way, rather than shoes,” State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters on Friday.

Dave said...

The blind and naive leading the blind and gullible.

Joanna said...

Go RAC and Cindy! Intellectual for sure:)