Friday, October 2, 2009

All Good News

I know some of you love doom and gloom and are sure we are on the road to ruin but I'm happy to report on some economic signs of recovery in the Caraway/Knoke/Wilson son-in-law Alan started working this week after being out of a job for the past year, my stepdaughter who just graduated high school in June started work today as a CNA in the same health care system I work for, she was hired within 2 weeks of getting her license ;the hair salon where my daughter works as a receptionist merged with another salon and she got more hours and a pay raise this week, and my work gave employees a bonus in our paycheck this week for keeping costs down, staying under budget and keeping patient satisfaction scores high....all really great news in these times and I think a sign of better days ahead.


juliet said...

Well thats all good news!

Doug said...

you have always seen the upside in people and things and for that I love you.
You were always the thinker of the group and for that I admire you.
I don't really consider myself a doom and gloomer, more of a pragmatist.
You and your families success is due to your perseverance and hard work. You deserve it.
The health care industry is one of the few that currently is in growth mode. With the exception of the firearms and ammunition market manufacturing is in decline.
Fully 12% of mortgage holders are presently in some stage of foreclosure. The official unemployment rate is just south of 10%, in reality it's probably closer to twice that. Even worse among minorities. That is to say nothing of the number of under employed.
The disparity in personal wealth is growing at an exponential rate. 1% of the country controls 99% of the wealth while the middle class, saddled with ever increasing costs (most notably health care) of living and declining real income withers on the vine.
We are bleeding roughly a billion a month financing our incursions in the Near East.
Our Federal government, in typical time honored fashion, addresses these shortcomings by adding twelve zeros to an already staggering national debt. You cannot forever borrow your way out of a crisis precipitated by excess borrowing.
These are all facts. They may spell doom and gloom but they are facts nonetheless.
This country is on an economically unsustainable course. A course with potentially catastrophic effects on the standard of living for the next generation.
That said. I like the way you're thinking. The world needs more people like you.
Don't ever change.

Pat said...

congrats cindy. good for them. such a breath of fresh air in this stagnant economy is inspiring.

illustrationISM.... said...

Sweet and Sour news here in the Jaquette family!
GOOD: My wife Becky got a primo job at the new, big
hospital here in eUgene!
BAD: JULIE JAQUETTE (my sis) got LAID-OFF her job in Prescott, Arizona!
Send her well wishes and encouragement.

Doug said...

I am sorry to hear that. That is fairly typical though.

People watch the stock market and say woo-hoo look at her go and think things are turning around when the fact is that the only reason stocks are up is because of the aggressive cost cutting measures that are being undertaken by private industry.
Namely cutting jobs, wages and benefits.

I don't mean to pile on but the latest Labor Dept stats released today show:
-number of unemployed rose last month 214,000 to 15.1 million, It is now at 9.8%, a 26 year high. It's 10.3% for men, 7.8% for women, 15.5% for Blacks and 25.9% for teenagers, a record.
-36% of the 15.1 million have been out of work longer than six months, a record.
Unemployment figures that include discouraged or under employed rose to 17%, the highest ever.
-Average total hours worked dropped to 33 hours per week, the lowest ever.
-Private sector employment fell by 210,000 jobs including 64,000 in construction and 51,000 in manufacturing. The only sector to show growth was health care and education which added 3,000 jobs.
-Even government eliminated 51,000 jobs, mostly at the municipal level.
These are pretty much universally dismal statistics. But I do have good news! Jack Daniels is on sale at ABC. You take your victories where you can these days.
Happy Friday everyone.

Pat said...

Doom and gloom Doug. Too bad for alot of us, it's reality. It's great to look at your own family and they've had a stretch of good luck and good for them. don't be blind to your neighbor next door who just lost her/his job and just received a 20 day notice to get out of their house. Where can I get a pair of those rose-colored glasses cindy?

rac said...

Congrats Cindy and Mark for your good fortune. Your stories serve as a reminder there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Cindy said...

Thanks optimisim has gotten me through many a tough time in my life.

Cindy said...

No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

Pat said...


Doug said...

Well now that's the Cindy we all know and love.

So...I guess right nows not a good time to start telling Hellen keller jokes huh?