Monday, March 15, 2010

The Pacific

Tonight on HBO.
I don't think it can be over estimated what a debt of gratitude we owe the guys that went through this meat grinder.


Pat said...

I saw it on discover...or history. don't have HBO. Super good. Yea, the shit they endured. I think our kids should all have to watch. maybe give them some respect for why they have the freedoms they have.

Sean said...

I wish our kids would have some understanding of the difference between freedoms and rights. We have muddled the difference in the last few decades. Our freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have morphed into the "right" to healthcare, expectation of government entitlements and the absurd notion that wealth is something that simply bubbles up from the ground and should be distributed amongst Americans "fairly" by the federal government.

Ask some of these soldiers what they think of these "new rights". We probably all know a few of them. Ask now, before they are all gone from this Earth and it is too late.

Pat said...

Sean, my children have health care, but many children don't. I take it that you were referring to that. And I'm pretty sure our soldiers, at least the majority, want to protect the health of our own.

Doug said...

Well, given that over the last few decades WWII vets have constituted the largest demographic of Social Security & Medicaire recipients one might expect from them some attachment to and hope for continuation of these "new rights".
Your points are not without merit but in my opinion this dogma that entitlements are inherently evil panders to those that would politicize social realities.

juliet said...

Could someone remind me why we are supposed to pay war claims to Guam. Some of the local senators are preparing a sign for President Obama to read on his visit to Guam.

Doug said...

GUAM=Give Us American Money.
Since Japan has said no way to any war claims the only avenue for those that endured the occupation is through the US Gov't.
The basis for the claim is that by abandoning the island the US left the people of Guam to suffer at the hands of the occupants for three years.
I have no opinion on the merit of the claim. Well actually I do but never mind with that. At any rate, given our governments proclivity for giving away other people's money I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't eventually granted in some fashion, if it hasn't been already.
Especially since with both Clark & Okinawa no longer US bases Guam is going to have the largest US military presence on that side of the world.

mat said...

I'm late to chime in on this but here goes.The basis for the war claims is that when Japan signed the articles of surrender they were absolved of all financial responsibility. To the victors go the spoils. The U.S. assumed the liability. Its kind of like when you buy a company,you also buy any debts(accounts payable). Thats their(the survivors families)story and their sticking to it. Heres some irony, Benitas sister in Florida jumps on this reparations bandwagon and e-mails me(of all people) this petition thats circulating for congress to act on reparations for survivors. Now I must say that benitas family had some horrific things done to them during Guams occupation.She had a great uncle that was beheaded.But her dad married a Japanese woman who in all probability had relatives in the Imperial Army. I don't know it just don't sound right to me.

Joanna said...

Being half Japanese,Half Caucasion. I can only say that History went down as it did. We're of Samurai blood but,I don't practice that.A lot of terrible things happened under Japanese rule. Yet,they're not in charge anymore after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.I'm 1/8 German but,I wasn't there.The war claims are for the people who suffered terrible segments,like being marched to Mannegon and so forth.

Pat said...

That's the first I heard that Doug. "Guam=Give us American money"