Monday, March 29, 2010

Yea, Where is RAC

I went through all this effort to get back online and on the blog and my most worthy adversary is AWOL! WTF?


juliet said...

I guess he is on the DC wagon, I guess we are like a bad
I will find an old picture of him to post. So he can remember "Memories da da dada...the way we were"

Doug said...

Most worthy adversary you say? Well then, I guess the mud slinging has begun :)

mat said...

Thats a compliment Doug! See howya are.Sheesh.

Doug said...

Sorry Matt. What can i say, I'm kind of a dick sometimes.

Pat said...

oh shit. I meant metaphorically.

Pat said...

Very good question Juliet. Why back in the day, was a detective called a dick? Why is Dick a nick name for Richard? These are questions that have haunted me. :)

mat said...

Short for Dick Head. Because you act like your not thinking with the "right" head. I know because well I'm a guy and we know these things. Its in our DNA.Hahaha.Thats what rac was good at. Researching lifes most pressing questions. He would know where to find the answer.