Friday, April 9, 2010

David Waite Has Been Found

Hi Dean's Circle Gang,

Juliet, thanks for finding me. Dave, thanks for inviting me to join. Hello all.

The "internets" and the blogosphere is an amazing thing. In the 1960's to 1970's Dean's Circle, who could have imagined this? When I was in about 5th grade, in Florence, Oregon, before moving to Norfolk, Virginia, in 1966, and before moving to Guam in 1969, my high school teacher dad played for us a '45 (it's a vinyl record, remember?) of a computer singing "Daisy, Daisy". That computer was probably the size of one of those concrete hovels that we lived in... Dean's Circle. How times have changed in about 45 years. Today, I have over 10,000 songs on my iPod (and only my 1200 favs on my iPhone). My '78's, '45's, '33's, and cd's mostly collect dust. Who could have imagined that a bunch of kids from a Gov Guam ghetto (Dean's Circle) on a remote tropical island could somehow, someway find each other again after 35+ years?

I look forward to sharing. First, I'd like to know who remembers me and what was I doing back then?! I can't remember.


Ric Larson said...

Well…I’ll be honest you David. I have known your name for ages! But I just can’t place the name with your face. Maybe the passage of time has played a roll on my cognitive? Welcome aboard! Share stuff and memories of your Dean’s Circle days! Looking forward in reading them!

mat said...

I think I know you. I think you lived across us. refresh everyones memory. Don't matter. welcome aboard. Hang on for the ride.

Pat said...

lol David...nice letter. I'm pretty sure I knew you and then saw your pics and wasn't so sure. Juliet said you hung out with the Mac boys. Doug was one of my best buddies.
Anyway, so happy you've been found. All of us Dean circle rats have special how the hell did we survive to tell about it!? Look forward to hear from you.

Dave said...

Was there a brother named Rick? Didn't you guys live across the street from the Basts.. where the Haefers moved into after you guys left? I think we called you guys Jesus freaks at the time, because you went to the Teen Challenge.. but now a lot of us are Jesus freaks and proud of it. Of course I could be wrong about who you are because.. well, I'll just attach a few pictures that tend to represent a true 1970s circle rat.

juliet said...

So David lived two times in the circle, time to re post that DC map and get the house number down that will jog all our memories. I was in #11 1969-1976.

Sean said...

I also lived on the circle two times. One with my father and one with the rest of the rats. I was kinda young, so not exactly sure where, but it Mat or Becki should remember.

Doug said...

Well shazam!! Young L has completely jarred loose some brain cells and now I do remember both you and your brother.
I specifically remember going on a boonie stomp/treasure hunt with you two looking for a prize that was being sponsored by a local radio station. It was like $1,100 or something like that. Stuffed in a coffee can.
We didn't find it.
And we did call you Jesus Freaks. All part of what gave our little enclave its character.

Joanna said...

Is Nancy Waite your adopted sister?

rac said...

Welcome home David.

Pat said...

Ha ha Yes, welcome home Jesus freak. As Dave Larson said, We, (most of us) are now Jesus freaks. Weird things happen when you age.