Wednesday, May 5, 2010

John Gerber Dead At 58!

Heart attack. Who doesn' t remember Wireless rock? Wow. I didn't know the guy personally but like a lot of people he was a part of life on the "rock". Rest in peace John!


juliet said...

I had forgotten that radio show. Remember how important the car radio was back in the day. Not to mention the 8track. RIP John Gerber.

Ric Larson said...

“Wireless radio”. Wow Mat, you have one heck of a memory. Keep’m com’n. May John rest in peace.

mat said...

We used to listen to wireless rock at night and Saturday mornings was Kasey Casems American top forty. We'd watch midnight special with Wolfman Jack at midnight Aaaaooo!
I had a CB radio in my 69 Plymouth and we'd sit in the parking lot of Shells of Micronesia/Kut n Kurl and mess with people over the CB. Sam had his HAM radio and would talk to people in Australia and New Zealand. Guam was outside the footprint of the US so we would have to settle for whoever he could get. Man those were the days!

Ric Larson said...

You just brought it all back to me now Mat! Forgotten about all of that until now. Thanks dude!

Joanna said...

Memories that mean so much!RIP Johnny Gerber!