Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Map of the Electoral College

Here's a great site for following the polls of the up coming Presidential and Senate races. It uses data from a number of different state polls to predict the results of the individual states. It's interesting to watch the battles flow back and forth between the key battle grounds. I followed it last year and found it to have the most scientific, non-biased results.


Doug said...

Nice to see Obama solidly ahead in the great state of Delaware and their vital three electoral votes.

Ric Larson said...

Your so right, it is non-biased!

DRL said...

Thanks RAC, I love things like this. although, I never put any or shall I say, very little faith in polls. I believe that polls can be tillted one way or the other by the way the question is presented. The other problem is there is not an IQ test given with the poll. I do not mean to say stupid, but ignorant of the politics. I was once interviewed amongst others leaving the polling area by a local TV station. We were asked to identfy them by there picture. I told them that I could, with a few exceptions, however I asked if she could tell me what they stood for or against. The anchor lady couldn't, not the camera man. I was the one who made it on the news. Know what you are voting for.

mat said...

I always wondered about the electoral college. Thanx RAC.