Friday, August 29, 2008

Rednecks for Obama

This guy is great!!!


Joanna said...

I love rednecks.The shows are so funny"You know you're a redneck"I always laugh cuz ranchero's seem to be the same even here.Heck,most of Chamorro music is based on country music.
Obama seems very intelligent to me.I know who'll win,the man with the most votes:)Haha:)

Doug said...

not necessarily. See Gore vs Bush 2000.

Joanna said...

Yeah,I casted my" not real" vote here and Al Gore actually won.Do you really want another 8 years of the same old,same old?Or would you like to see some change? Obviously you're a devout republican.Democrats will and should win:)For the future of this country or else we'll fall into 2nd world nation,maybe 3rd as the trillion $ deficit continues.

Doug said...

I'm no Republican, or Democrat for that matter. I'm registered as an Independent actually. Fact is, the similarities between the two major parties far outweigh the differences. Oh, they'll forever be pointing out the shortcomings of each others platforms and beliefs. When that fails they'll resort to thinly veiled character assault. For example the recent McCain ad comparing Obama to drug addicted club hoppers. The sad truth is that EVERY decision that either the majority or minority party makes has more to do with how that decision will affect their ability to gain or maintain power than how it relates to the will or good of the people.

mat said...

Yea but check out McCains running mate. Shes a lot easier on the eyes than Biden AAAgh.Yea!

Doug said...

Hillary too for that matter.

Cindy said...

Wow, McCains choice is a shocker. Should make for some interesting debates...can't wait.

Becki said...

I am thrilled with McCain's choice. I am a hard core right-winger (no shock to anyone I'm sure) and it is refreshing to see an intelligent, articulate, conservative female in such a high profile position. Good for her. However, I must admit I was starting to buy into the promises from the left - an Escalade in every driveway; a 52 inch flat-screen plasma on every wall and federal healthcare benefits for all - why fight it? HaHa...Cindy said it's going to be an interesting election.

Joanna said...

Doug,I'm glad you're an Independent.Yet,who are you going to vote for?If it's O.K. to ask.My vote doesn't count right now:)

mat said...

Doug, Are you kidding? Hillary is a bonafide hag! No comparison.

Doug said...

that's what I meant. Hillary is a double bagger. One can hardly blame Bill for his indiscretions.
Obama is promising a 52" plasma for everyone?! Well he's my guy then for sure.
Like you all say though, an election that's really unprecedented on many levels.
If I was running I'd get that chick in the orange dress as my running "mate".
I'm a strong Obama lean, if for no other reason than to piss off all my redneck North Florida friends. Hey that's how this thread got started.

mat said...

Hell yea! A plasma screen for football? I'm all for that! But I just don't trust Obama. But we survived 8 years of the Clintons so we could certainly survive 4 years of Obama.

mat said...

Oh yea Doug, If I can ever figure out how to send you pictures I work across the street from the Air Force Academy and I pass by Falcon stadium every morning on my way to work. I'll send you some photos. GO FALCONS! (the Broncos are on their own)hahaha.

Joanna said...

Now,McCain chose a 44 yr. old 1 time governor of Alaska. Former beauty queen.If he kicks the bucket,do you think she could be President of the U.S.?Here or abroad?Mat,think about it.Under Clinton we were in a surplus .Now we're in a huge deficit beyond comprehension.You may not trust Obama(Negative campaigning)but,he's like all we have for the success of U.S.of A.

Ric Larson said...

I summ things up like this, Obama has no executive experience, McCain was an Officer in the Military and his new VP pick has two years of executive experience under her belt. And yes Mat, I have no problems eye balling her! :)

Doug said...

I sum things up like this. Abraham Lincoln had no executive or military experience. Woodrow Wilson had no military experience. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had no military experience. These three chief executives led this country through arguably it's three greatest crises in its history.
There is no President School that I know of, the fact is we don't know who is really qualified for the job until they take office. It's then up to them to surround themselves with capable advisors and to hopefully use good judgment in there decision making. If they fail then that's why we have these entertaining and eventful elections every four years. Although I have to say elections on Guam were way more fun. All night Star Trek & Twilight Zone on KUAM can't be beat.

Ric Larson said...

Dang it Doug, you did it again! Your wisdom always enlightens me!

Doug said...

my parents spent a substantial sum seeing to it that I became a proficient bull shitter. Go with your gut.

Joanna said...

Doug,You are enlightening.You seem so full of thought and wisdom.Hard to find.Keep it up!

Joanna said...

Yet,I believe he should have chose Hillary just because that the U.S. women want a woman!!! Biden is not good looking but, maybe he's smart.I just hope for the best for us all.