Thursday, January 8, 2009

'Everybody Loves a Holy War' illustration...

i know this has nothing to do w/ Guam, BUT i drew this lately
with all the Israel and Gaza 'stuff' going on and
drawn while listening to Mark Heard's song
'Everybody Loves a Holy War'

©2009 illustrationISM


Doug said...

Free and unsolicited advice for the Palestinian people:
Tell your Hamas buddies to stop lobbing flying pipe bombs into Israel and maybe the Israelis won't lay your already pathetic strip of land to waste.
Just saying.

Ric Larson said...

I say: "Israel...go lay that already pathetic strip of land into waste or turn it into a glass parking lot, then rebuild it the way you want it"!

When a giant keeps getting slapped by a wimp, the giant will eventually hit back hard, with justification!

Any County that goes against Israel will fall!