Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So...everybody still employed?

And where's this Super 8 movie anyway?  I wish to see the Larson's in their Deans Circle rattiness as only celluloid can capture.


Ric Larson said...

I've been axiously waiting too for the Larson movie of their Dean's Circle days! Sure there is some good footage there!

Paul said...

The global economic hit means less tourism here. I have a brother in-law living in my house that just lost his job with a local hotel.

Dave said...

Sorry rac, I accidentally deleted your "resort to crime" comment, clicked on the wrong trash can. Basically it said that you still have a job which has slowed down some, and that if all else fails, you can use the endless skills acquired while serving time on the curbs and in the shadows of DC.

Dave said...

Doug, technology is kicking my butt right now as far as the DC 70's show goes, but I can assure you it is still in the works. A movie producer I am not, but will stay at it until I can merge the old with the new. I'm still gainfully employed by china's number one retailer and sweat-shop.

Becki said...

Still emloyed but really starting to see the effect of this economy. Unemployment in California is second only to Michigan, which is highly unusual for us. In my line of work, though, it is a good thing as a higher caliber of applicant is walking in our front door and employees are actually behaving themselves as they don't want to lose their jobs. Amazing what a recession does for the work ethic!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Ric Larson said...

Doug, am still employed here. I am a program manager (with only a B.A. degree) at a mental health facility. I am getting flooded with applications from people with M.A. degrees. Most of the applicants have jobs as Social Workers, but are looking for part time employment in the field.

mat said...

Don't beleive everything you hear or read! Everything will be fine.
Yes Doug we all still have jobs despite what you might want to think. (those of us that want to work that is). No one can help you but you yourself. I have been with the same company for almost 7 years now and we are doing better now than we were when I started. All economies go through their up and down cycles and then recover. There are some problems with the economy but a lot of it was because the media said it was bad. It is really sad that we are still mostly a nation of sheep! Baa Baa!

Doug said...

I've been with the same company for 27 years and I can tell you I have never seen it worse. You are probably right that it's a down cycle (a bad one) and that it will come back. The question is how long.
Here in the great state of Florida where one out of 10 people are on food stamps and some areas where one out of eight homes are in foreclosure can hardly be blamed on a negative media.
There are serious deficiencies in our economy. A fact recognized by the current Fed & Treasury Dep't heads convincing the President to pump $750 billion of liquidity into credit markets. A decision that last night President Bush said possibly avoided a meltdown and depression on the scale of the late 1920's.

Cindy said...

I'm still working and actually have applied for a new job within the same health care system I work for. It's for an infection control practitioner.. they usually fill the job with a nurse but have opened it up to medical technologists who are microbiologists. After doing the same job for 29 years I had to make a resume for the first time..was totally clueless so I bought a $30.00 computer program which made it very easy. If I get the job would involve having to take some classes and taking a national test to become certified as an IFC. I'm very excited about the possibility of doing it...another big change in my life..please keep your fingers crossed for me.

And yes, my daughter Val and her family are still with me. Her boyfriend finally was able to get unemployment and he's getting food stamps and Medicaid for his 8 year old daughter which has all been a huge help. It's all been working out well, I love that my daughter does the housekeeping and cooking around here..and we are figuring that this will be how it is for quite some time. I think they are hoping to get a cheap car with income tax refund so that Val can take some classes and become a nurses aid. My daughter in Tenn. was out of work for just a short time and was able to get a job with a home health agency.

Cindy said...

An up note for where I live is that with so many foreclosures in this area, and houses selling so cheap, I know several people who have now been able to afford to purchase a home here. My property taxes went down quite a bit this year so was happy yesterday to get a check from my mortgage co for an escrow overage and to find out my house payment would be going down this year. Now trying to decide if it would be wise to try to refinance now that interest rates are so low.

Ric Larson said...

Mat, I must agree with you 100%! You can not trust the media. I know no one personally who has lost their jobs. (But then again, I live in Westchester County, NY...inside joke)I do know a lot of people that are looking for additional work, part time jobs though. To boot, my 403B has not been effected to the scale that the stock market has tumbled. My wife's 401K actually made money (but not much)?
Mat, you said that "we are a nation of sheep". I must agree with you on this. I think it all started with the feminization of the American male population; that we have become a nation of wimps, whiners, limp wrists, metro-sexuals, spoiled bratts, and people who feel entitled to entitlements. What ever happened to people pulling themselfs up by their own boot straps?
Good to hear from you Mat!!!!!

Ric Larson said...

But please folks, dont get me wrong. We are in difficult economic times. I have was their myself not too far ago in the past. There is no shame in getting help, financial, spiritual or emotional. It just frustrates me to death to see those that just feel they are entitled, and don't wont to help themselfs out, but expect everyone else to help them out.

rac said...

So the current economic situation is bad only because the media says it is? Even when ALL the hard data suggests otherwise? Sticking one's head in the sand in the face of danger doesn't remove the threat, it only makes us easier prey.

Ric Larson said...

Not exactly RAC. They numbers may be correct? Numbers can be fixed as well. But our media is a 'doom and gloom' type of media...rarely ever reporting on the positive things, but sure loves the negatives news. Negative news sells and people are vulernable to the press.

Ric Larson said...

Hey RAC, you giving Dave a technical hand on the video? Would sure love to see that Dean's Circle video to bring back some good memories. Hear you are pretty good at the techno stuff!

mat said...

Let me clarify my first post. Of course there are some tough times going on and I didn't mean to imply that they were made up by the media. What I meant to say is that yes doom and gloom sell papers and I think that this past election is a good example of how the media can influe people.Thats not necessarily a bad thing. But look at it this way. GM and Chrysler aren't selling any cars because they suck, the price of gas was off the chart etc,etc,.The stock market was going through some serious swings. Nobody wanted to make a major purchase for a while. So car salesmen were laid off. Car builders (who were basically the guys and gals who pushed the buttons on the robots that actually built the cars) were laid off. So now more people decided to keep their cars another year or so. So now what? Well now theres a big surge in the need for what? Lube technicians,Muffler technicians,Mechanics, Auto electrical techs, etc. See? This is one example of how our economy works. Cindy coudn't buy her house unless someone lost theirs (not for what she paid, in her own words) Think about this example in other industries or buisnesses and thats how our economy really works. When the car was invented, we didn't cease to exist because all everybody knew about was horses. The government didn't say Oh shit we better give the farriers a billion dollars.Oh by the way farriers shoe horses. Nope we just soldiered on as a nation and adapted and learned new ways to support ourselves. God Bless America!

mat said...

And to Cindy, keep the faith! I have received food stams and WIC in the past. Being young parents with a bunch of kids, it was hard at times. I certainly don't want anyone to misunderstand. We live in the greatest nation in the world and it behooves (I love that word,BEHOOVES) us to look out for one another but don't take it too far. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Well, you guys know the rest.

Doug said...

If nothing else it's a thread topic that brought some people out of the woodwork.

patricia said...

unemployed....I'm pretty sure S.W. florida, highest unemployment and home forclosures. Ironic, considering we once were fastest growing in nation just 2 years ago.

Ric Larson said...

I forgot to mention that in 2005, right befor my wedding day I lost my job, collected unemployment until I had exausted that, and it took 2 1/2 years until I found a full time job again. For those 2 1/2 years I was working very part time writing service plans for New York State OMRDD, and working jobs that High School kids were ashamed to work. Yeah man, it sucked big time! I've recently been there and feel for the people that are in that spot now and wish them all the best! I just have little tolorance for people capable of working, that purposely live off and bleed the system.

Joanna said...

Rac,Dave@everyone,the proof is in the pudding.Ric,you blame feminization...come on now.Your married right? Don't diss women for the economic downturn. Be real!!! It was due to men in power,not women or feminization unless you are like that.Period...nice to be back:)

Ric Larson said...

No Jo, (I said "feminizatin of the American male" (man), not feminization in itself. Come to New York and you'll see what I mean.

Men where once made steal, and ships made of wood. Now ships are made of steal and men are made of wood. So sad.