Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Most memorable time at the Circle?

Mine was when I was racing bikes with Dan at the 'Larson's house', and Mat yelled out to Dan.."W.I.P.E. O.U.T."! To bad I could not spell well at the time. I got "Creamed"! Thanks Dan, you won that race, but it was fun and the memory will stick with me forever!


mat said...

Are you kidding Ric? I couldn't possibly choose one time, but If backed into a corner probaly going to Malesso w/The Sparks and riding Sams Honda 50 around Merizo or riding w/Pete on our bikes anywhere! Or pinball at Cruz store or breaking into the health science building at UOG and stealing(borrowing) syringes and shooting up toads and seeing how high they would jump!Ha ha ha!

Doug said...

Friday nights in the coconut grove.
Pago. The rock and caves.
Street football.
Four square.
Cruz Store.
Using UOG as our private stomping grounds.
Impromptu games of "Survivor" with the locals.
Roccos pizza.
I could go on and on.

illustrationISM.... said...

- Exploring down the cliff.
- Body Surfing and Swimming @ Marine Lab.
- 4-Square.
- Dodge-Ball.
- Motorcycle riding thru the coconut tree field.
- Riding bikes and exploring UOG on the week-ends.
- Playing pool at Cruz Store.
- Seeing a HUGE Monitor Lizard at 'satans outhouse'.
- home-made boat races along the curbs after a rain storm.
- Living in #3 along the awesome cliff view.

i can go on & on....

Ric Larson said...

AMAZING! Call this collective memory. Same good old memories for me too!

mat said...

And Desi and Alice! And Ben walking down to the shooks and saying "Hey Scott ,Ya got any Reds"? (as in Marboo Reds) hahaha!

Dave said...

All nighters in the ozone layer under the stars in the jungle by the ocean on a rock with a bunch of circle rats. Definitely some of the most exciting days of my life.

patricia said...

forsure, mornings at the bus-stop..street football, 4 square, hanging out sittin on somebodys curb, watching the stars and dreaming about all the things we were going to do when we grew up. (oh yeah, and figuring out how to work the science center cig machine.) 10 packs for 75 cents!

rac said...

Everything from touchdown to takeoff.

Joanna said...

Dean falling out of the tree in front of the Sickler's house.Amy and I drug him home not knowing what else to do!

Joanna said...

Oh and Nancy Sickler always wanting to take me along:)Thank-You Nancy!!!

juliet said...

How about the up hill trudge on the marine lab road after a quick rinse at the marine lab water spicket.