Wednesday, August 26, 2009

CIA show trials

I wonder if, in the coming months of the Holder witch-hunt, Americans will ask themselves "which of us would be dead were it not for these interrogations"?


Doug said...

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither".
Ben Franklin

rac said...

Yes, isn't it odd how on one hand Sean warns us of an impending tyranny and on the other openly cheers its practice.

Ric Larson said...

God bless the interrogations!

rac said...

So you'll be cool with it when we waterboard you for suspicion of domestic terrorism? You know, for all your anti-government rhetoric and all.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, you just admitted to being involved with Big Government! Big Government equals Socialism dude. As of now, we are a free Country, thus making it OK for you being a Socialist. You are accusing one of us on this blog as being ‘Anti-government’. RAC, twist your head on tight man. No one is being anti-government here. There is a very large divide in being anti-government and wanting smaller government. As RAC said, “So you'll be cool with it when we waterboard you for suspicion of domestic terrorism”? Sounds like you would like to be involved in water boarding! And how is voicing one’s opinion domestic terrorism? Don’t you like ‘free speech’ anymore RAC? Sounds to me that RAC may have no problem with water boarding his fellow US citizens.

rac said...

"Thanks for playing our game, Ric. And for being such a good sport we would like to give this lovey parting gift. What do we have for him Johnny?"

So I take it you didn't pick-up on the subtle meaning of my post?

rac said...

Let me help you out Ric. As Sean pointed out before, you have to be careful what rules you make while holding the die. Eventually someone else gets a turn and you may find yourself on the receiving end of the very rules you created. Remember, terrorist don't always ride camels (think Timothy McVeigh). Our own citizens do things to draw attention to themselves too (like carry a loaded weapon to a Presidential event). And sometimes it's even necessary to "question" the innocent. I hope you never find yourself in that predicament.