Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Obama is a charming liar?

This was posted on Glenn Beck's site, but the interview is from Air America (and you all know where they stand).


Doug said...

Well so much for the liberal media and it's love affair with the "messiah".
FWIW, The Huffington Post has been fairly critical of Obama on some points as well.
Does this mean that (gasp) some of those with liberal ideology are able to think independently?
Sorry Sean, I do not have a sarcasm emoticon.

Sean said...

Yes, I think anyone is able to think independently when they choose to do so. There was a Democrat Pollster on Beck last night talking about his own journey of discovery into what's going on now.

I urge all of you to take another look at what's going on. This is bigger than just another tax and spend program. Look at who's writing these bills. Look at who's involved in the new administration. Look at where the money is coming from and where it's going.

You may have the best intentions in mind when you champion universal healthcare or immigration reform or the tax code. We may continue to disagree on some of these points and that is fine.

But, I am becoming more and more certain that the cabal in charge now are now the right leaders to represent or implement your ideals. Take a closer look.

Dave said...

A very corrupt and tangled web indeed.

Pat said...

yes, what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
I am looking Sean. I see improvement. It's ney-sayers like you who can't stand a change in their lives. Oh dear lord! something is different...I'm scared!

Sean said...

Pat, I don't think we've ever actually met and you really don't know anything about me or than what I've written on this blog.

For the record, I actually love change. I don't recall the name of the test at the moment, but during a recent leadership training program my preference for change was off the charts compared to the rest of the class - i.e. I like change.

But that doesn't mean every change is good.

My real point in posting this is that we have voices from the left and the right on this blog. We disagree on many things. Both sides often have good intentions in mind with the positions they espouse. I think, though, that if you will look deeper into how this administration was built, who is influencing it and who has positions of power, you might realize that these really aren't the changes you hoped for.

Sean said...

disagree with what?

That we have never met?
That I like change?
That every change is good?
That these aren't the changes you hoped for?

Pat said...

yea, all the above Sean

juliet said...

Pat didn't you used to "baby-sit" for Mrs. Perdew?

Pat said...

yea Sean, I babysat you! so there.
TY Juliet, I forgot that:)

Pat said...

Too bad I didn't unlease my liberal "lies" on you.

Pat said...

I guess I was just into pickled papaya, Mangos and Doug and Dave at the time.

Sean said...

now there's something I can agree with you on - Pickled Papaya. Bet mine is hotter than yours!

And, I wasn't a baby at Dean's Circle. Most of the the "Mrs. Perdew" left the older kids to watch ourselves and the babies.

Unless you're talking about babysitting the first time I lived in the circle - would have been around '65 or so.

Pat said...

I babysat Rod too. omg, we dated too. I love you Rod

Pat said...

I can bet my pickled papaya is hotter than yours.

Pat said...

ok Sean, you before my babysitting days:)

Ric Larson said...

Rod, you are a babe magnet!