Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Next up: A gift wrapped Iraq

Obama has made it clear that he views Iraq as a "war of choice" and that he's not committed to keeping American resources in place until the new government can really stand on its own. There are indications that Al Maliki will soon choose which powers to ally himself (and his country) with. We could see Iraq given on a silver platter to Iran in the near future - making our entire sacrifice there a wasted effort. That would be a disaster as well as a shame.


rac said...

Our entire sacrifice there has always been a wasted effort. That's what happens when you start a war without an objective.

Sean said...

That's what happens when Democrats vote for a war and then change their minds and do everything they can to undermine their country's success there. This thing probably would have been over years ago if the Democrats and liberal press weren't "mewling" about it constantly. That is exactly the sort of thing that makes terrorist tactics successul. It is exactly the sort of thing that emboldens the enemy to renew their fight.

It will be interesting to see how the left now responds to Obama's prosecution of "the good war" in Afghanistan. For 8 years we've heard about how Iraq is the bad war and we should instead be in Afghanistan. Well, now that you've got the war you wanted, what will you do about it?

I've no illusions that the left are really genuine about achieving a victory in Afghanistan. This narrative was a purely political effort to derail Bush and "win" back the congress. Congratulations!

rac said...

Sean, please explain to us why we invaded Iraq?

juliet said...

I have posted on this topic befor so no need to repeat myself.

rac said...

Sean, have you ever considered they may not want us there?

Iraq May Hold Vote On U.S. Withdrawal
As American Focus Turns to North, Troops Could Be Forced to Leave Early

BAGHDAD, Aug. 17 -- U.S. troops could be forced by Iraqi voters to withdraw a year ahead of schedule under a referendum the Iraqi government backed Monday, creating a potential complication for American commanders concerned about rising violence in the country's north. continue...

Doug said...

"This thing probably would have been over years ago if the Democrats and liberal press weren't "mewling" about it constantly."

What?! You mean that whole "Mission Accomplished" thing was bullshit?

"This narrative was a purely political effort to derail Bush and "win" back the congress. Congratulations!"

Not unlike the scenario now playing itself out with regard to the Presidents health care initiative.
Yep. Your side is so much more righteous.

Sean said...

Doug, if you want to make a comparison, we would have to pass the healthcare initiative and then have the republicans start complaining about it and "mewling" that if only they'd known what they know now they wouldn't have voted for it.

Dave said...

History always repeats itself.. only this time, we have people in power who want nothing more than to 'lose' the war at any cost.

Doug said...

Well fine then.
The Democrats along with the Republican majority did in fact pass the funding for the second Iraqi war. The Democrats then spent the next six years or so doing everything in their power to make the ruling party look like a bunch of assholes.
Compare that to the current day Republicans who are going to slow walk anything the President attempts to have passed that has even the remotest chance of making the opposition party (the Democrats) look good.
It doesn't matter in the least if it will be of benefit to the public that they are supposed to be in service to. Nope. What matters is that they make the majority party look like a bunch of assholes so that THEY may once again rise to majority party status.
See any similarity in that comparison?
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Sean said...

Yes, I am really a high ranking republican party official, just "slumming it" be spending my time debating this on the DC blog.

I, and others, are not worried about the president looking good. We're worried about loosing our republic. Folks, these changes (which have been creeping along for decades) will change us into something not-America. That is why you see citizens revolting. Not because of the republican party.

Doug said...

"Slumming it"?!
I am deeply offended at this portrayal.

Dave said...

I prefer the term, 'hanging out with gutter rats'

Doug said...

That's more like it.