Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who's Crying Now?

Obama and his radical socialist machine won the white house by playing up the dissatisfaction with the Bush white house, using classical radical tactics. Now the party of Obama is whining and crying about Americans who are actually paying attention and speaking out:

DNC Ad - Enough of the Mob


juliet said...

Are you talking about the Tea Party retards.

Pat said...

Sean, all due respect, you're the only one I see crying:)

Sean said...

Oh, wow, that really hurts. being called a crying retard by a couple of Obots.

Sean said...

And, hey, there's something.

Bubba Clinton made oral sex "not sex" and now our kids are having blowjob parties in middle school.

I guess Comrade Obama has made it all right to refer to people as retards with his special Olympics comment.

Cindy said...

OMG, Sean you're blaming Clinton on kids having oral sex??? Kind of a stretch don't you think???

Doug said...

Far be it for me to make light of the people exercising their right to freedom of expression.
It does in my opinion bear pointing out that some of these town hall meetings that have seen themselves at times so rife with angry citizens are being enabled by a special interest group with majority funding from the pharmaceutical industry as well as a number of former Bush administration officials and surprise Michele Malkin of Fox News.
How you may ask? See recess, scroll to the bottom an check out the sponsors.
Talking (or should I say shouting) points are being provided along with advice on how to prevent expression of opposing thought through intimidation.
Some may find it appealing to encourage attendees to stifle any thought opposing their own. They are called Facists.
Please do not portray what is going on here as some grassroots movement. Some groundswell of vociferous opinion from an angry populace.
Call it for what it is. Corporate and Republican party PR.

Pat said...

Sean, I don't know where your kids go to school, but my kids have gotten suspended for just burping in someones face! Blowjobs??.. God help us if you and your like were on our school board? Get a grip!

Sean said...

(Sean is just waiting for his check from the massive republican engine to compensate him for spreading astroturf seeds online).

There should be absolutely no doubt that big businesses and special interests and several of the super rich are fully in bed with the Democrats and liberal movements. When a handful of Mexican invaders get together to wave a flag, they get endless coverage, sympathy and legitimacy from the vast, left-wing socialist movement. When more than 8000 citizens gather in Iowa to hear, amongst others, Judge Napolitano speak there is nary a mention in any of the "mainstream" media. So, do we really want to start comparing who funds what? George Soros? General Electric? AFT? SEIU? etc. etc. etc.

Believe it or not, there are regular, ordinary Americans who have made a commitment to become aware, informed and vocal. These people have names like Sean and Dave and David and Ric and Julie and Mat and Becky. We talk to each other. We talk to our friends. We talk to our families and co-workers. And, yes, we're not going to sit around and watch this subversion of America. This blog has been alive with debate for months now - do you think that one half of us are, what, plants from some right wing propaganda group?

But, probably the biggest mistake you can make is to think this is Republicans protesting against Democrats. It is much more than that. We (republicans, conservatives, libertarians, democrats...Americans) are fed up with how far we have fallen from the founding principles of this great nation. Certainly, there is one side pushing us over the cliff faster than the other, but both parties are pushing nonetheless. With our latest perfect storm of Democrats in power, though, we've strapped ourselves to a rocket sled , lit the fuse and accelerated wildly towards the abyss.

This is about Liberty and Tyranny.

This is about preserving the great union so many fought, sacrificed and died for.

This is about pulling back the power which the federal government has assumed they can simply wield with impunity - while American sleeps in ignorant bliss - despite the fact there there are no such powers granted to them by our constitution.

This is about America and our pledge of allegiance to this great republic.

Dave said...

You are dead-on right Sean. Many of these town hall meetings that are getting so much attention are the Democrat Party Representatives getting together with their own Democrat constituents. Many Liberals are mad as hell at the notion that they will be sucked into a federally run health care plan, the likes of which only third world countries enjoy. Like the one elderly lady said, Medicare is broke, Social Security is broke, cash for clunkers is broke, and our country is trillions of dollars in debt. How can we trust the federal government to fund America's health care? Does this sound fishy to you?

juliet said...

Sean the Tea party groups that have been heckling at meetings are retarded in the fact that they don't get the facts.

juliet said...

So you want to lay the "Lipstick Party" on the door step of Bill Clinton. The kids that are doing that would have been 2-4 years old when Bill was doing the dirty with Monica. He got his defense from the "good Book." But yes over the years and recently there have been several Rep. who have been caught in sex scandals and are probably further eroding the conservative sense of decorum.

People were called "Retards" in the movies and in jest way before Bill made any slip ups. In fact it was the correct term, Retard for mentally deficient up until around the 80's. Words like "idiot", "moron" "imbecile", and "mental defective" used to be real clinical terms. Words like "special", "exceptional" and "mentally challenged" are already being used as insult words just like "retard."

I chose "Retards" for your Tea Party gang (not to be confused with "Lipstick Party" even if it appears they are doing "Blow Jobs" for the Republican Party) because they act slow and have poor comprehension skills.

rac said...

Obama won the White House partly because you put forth the two most unelectable people you could find to run against him. And the way things are going it looks like you'll do it again in 2012. Like shooting ducks in a barrel.

Doug said...

I see angry people at some of these town hall meetings. They should be angry. Angry at
themselves for being gullible enough to carry the banner of corporate america thinking that they are somehow reinventing the celebrating of democracy.
Yep, regular ordinary americans are involved.
And you, and they are being duped.
So carry on with your holy mission to mitigate the "subversion" of the Republic. I'm sure you all see yourselves as the new Minutemen.
Meanwhile, those that stand to gain the most politically and economically from the derailing of the health plan and any other agenda of the democratically elected President are gleefully rubbing their hands.
You are like puppets on a string dancing to a tune composed by one of the slickest spin machines money can buy.

Dave said...

If that's the case Doug, why don't you and other Obamites go down to your local 'free clinic' and get in line for a check-up, just to get a feel for what you are supporting.
Once you are seen, then report back to us on your experience. I could be wrong, maybe you will be satisfied with your visit. I'll stick with corporate America anyday.

Dave said...

Hey rac, Obama won the white house because you voted for him. If you are in lock-step with his policies, then you are aiding and abetting a process which goes against the very fabric of the Constitution of the United States of America. Not much wiggle room for you there, and I find that fact very hard to justify.

Sean said...

Just the women, Pat?

more men has colon cancer than women have breast cancer.

what about men who have no health insurance?

booniedawg said...

retards? Are they like "brodies" or something?...."isn't that special?"
I think my boss at work is "otherwise gifted......Any one know how I can re-gift him?
Sorry, did I type that out loud again?

Doug said...

I spent seven hours in the emergency room with a shattered left wrist and had excellent insurance.
So what's your point?

Dave said...

My point is: The private sector will do a much better job at meeting your overall medical needs, based on free market competition, than the public 'free' sector, which is based on limited resource availability. Again, pay a friendly visit to your local state or federally funded public health clinic, and let me know what you find. Then imagine the entire country waiting in line to be seen.

Doug said...

It's my understanding that I can use my insurance if I want. I don't get all this talk about it being free and compare it to the clinic etc.
Then there's this fear of your health care decisions being made by a nameless faceless government bureaucrat. As opposed to what? The health care decisions that are being made by nameless faceless insurance industry bureaucrats currently?

juliet said...

Dave do you have any hard data to support you last statement because there is plenty to support that our present system isn't working. You say you will take corporate America any day but the minute you can not pay or your kids they will dump you. I know you have life time coverage from the VA so this really is not that much of an issue for you as it is for say your kids. You have nothing really when it comes to fact, this is just another example of Republican fear factor. You have no real way of knowing how long you will wait with health care under a system that provides universal care. Presently we spend way more on health care and have poorer statistics than other countries with universal health care. Both my sons live in MA and both have private insurance. They have had no problem since coverage was offered everyone to see a doctor, get lab work done etc. I have seen a real improvement in the expansion of coverage on their policies. And yet I talk to people like your self and they will tell all this rubbish about how bad things are in Massachusetts and then when you ask them for facts or something really believable other than an emotional tirade they are truculent. SHOW ME THE DATA and convince me don't just prattle of some trite expressions that are being sent around by people with an agenda that has nothing to do with the good of our country or you or constitutional rights. Really many of you are like someone in an abusive relationship and we can not understand why you would want to stay there. You really need to get out of that little circle of homeschooling and educate yourself outside of that Box you are hiding in.

You really do a dis-service to your country by not really looking into the issues, That means reading a variety of publications from a really wide variety of sources. Maybe visit some wards get an idea of some of the issues that people face. Health care improvement is something that this country has been working unsuccessfully for decades, so the claims that it is a new idea that Obama wants to push down the throats of America with out really giving our lawmakers time to work on the issue, is just more rubbish perpetuated by people like yourself who have aliened your self with a conservative agenda that I really think most of you don't fully understand.

Look at tobacco, why is it still for sale. Because of the lobby in congress. What citizen benefits from it. Only the corporations and their employees. How much does the fall out from that poison cost the USA?

juliet said...

Dave the assumption that all the people will go to one free clinic is just absurd. Get real.

Dave said...

Spoken like a true liberal. You claim to know everything about me and my personal life, as well as what's best for me and my family. You dismiss my personal beliefs and opinions as uneducated, uninformed, prattle, trite, absurd, rubbish. In reality, you know nothing about my current health care, you know nothing about what's best for my family, and you know nothing about the way I live my life. In fact, you're beginning to sound like those unconstitutional forces within the federal government. I'm just part of that angry mob..

juliet said...

Dave if you want to limit your kids with religious ideology and limited education by homeschooling so that you can have a better sense of control over them, than there is little that can be done about it. One day they will be 18 and if they are not limited by your personal philosophies, they can get more exposure and can make informed choices. What you don't teach your kids life will. If you are only interested in your life and your needs regarding health care well I guess that goes along with your philosophy. But there is a world out side of the little family you are attempting to control. You seem to only want to think about what works right now for you. If your "opinions" are made from some sort of informed choice, then please share the information. So that we can get some sort of plan going for all Americans. But the problem is your opinions seem to be based on fear and I don't see you posting much factual data to back up your claims about universal health care. Post something of substance other than your opinion and maybe I would understand you better.

I don't know what the present medical needs are for your family. I know you retired from the Coast Guard. I assume at some point you could use the VA if you don't have another private plan. I know that your kids will have to pay for private health care when they are adults. Many of those private plans kick them off at 18. Maybe they will be healthy most of their lives maybe they won't. Statistically not everyone is going to end up self sufficient. Mental illness, Substance abuse, Alcoholism, Physical disability any of those issues can play a role in that. Under the present system even your health history can drive up your make private plans unaffordable. I think as a society we should carry everyone along and up. I think as a nation we can do it. For what ever reason you don't

I have posted many links to information over the years on this blog. You like to feel that opinions are more important than real information. I say get information then form an opinion based on fact. So yes until you start getting down and doing the labor intensive work of learning about the issues instead of going the easy route and just go with the conservative flow, spreading the fear factor I guess I am guilty of believing you to be making an uniformed choice and spreading rubbish about about health care reform. If you want to call me a liberal well I can live with it. If you think I don't know your needs then by all means tell me, on the same token I think you are clueless about the needs of the rest of the country.

Dave said...

Thank you for psycho analyzing me Juliet, now I won't have to pay a shrink to tell me all that's wrong with me. Now I'll know why my kids aren't as 'smart' as yours. Now I'll be able to change my mind about all that I believe to be true, because now I know that you are the one who knows it all. You know all about my kids you know all about my needs, you know everything I've ever read or studied or experienced. You know all about what America needs. You obviously have forgotten a few things though. You've forgotten that I spent the last 30 years of my life tending to the needs of this country, as well as a few other countries. I've spent the last 30 years of my life working for the very government that you claim I know nothing about. For the past 34 years, I've paid into the U.S. Tax system, something I seriously doubt that you can honestly say. I am currently re-educating myself so that someday I just might be as 'smart' as you. So just for the record, now that you know a few of my accomplishments on behalf of the United States of America, what have you done for the USA? If you were never in control of your family, then who was? Just so you know exactly where I'm coming from, the only thing I fear, is that my country is being taken over by pompous, arrogant people who think just like you. Now that's scary.

juliet said...

Well I don't want to get into a contest about who's kids are better. Everyone brings some gifts to the table. There is always someone better, smarter etc. My comments, that I think inspired Dave to post again his sons picture were directed to the "academic" effects of homeschooling in relation to parental control of limiting knowledge from a variety of resources and that as a result uneducated and un informed beliefs are brought about through that type of narrow, emotional educational experience.

One of the reasons that I don't like the concept of home schooling is very much in line with how it was viewed by the courts in Europe when parents attempted to avoid compulsory education for their children. We are talking about the future of society and the effects of mediocre education unless they have access to great tutors for all the subjects. Home schooling is illegal there. I just use Germany as a point because the court eloquently expresses my understanding of the detriment to the child.

"The European Court took the position that the plaintiffs were the children, not their parents, and declared "children are unable to foresee the consequences of their parents' decision for home education because of their young age.... Schools represent society, and it is in the children's interest to become part of that society. The parents' right to educate does not go as far as to deprive their children of that experience." The European Court endorsed a "carefully reasoned" decision of the German court concerning "the general interest of society to avoid the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions and the importance of integrating minorities into society"

juliet said...

My oldest will graduate with his MA in CS this June, he is 21. He could make a fine officer, he has a lot of choices. He has developed particular skills that are very desirable to military and government agencies. Both my sons were competitive and worked hard in High School, while teaching themselves programming skills.They really did the hardest academic program available at one of the best international private schools. They got up before light and ran cross country, participated in MUN, honor society and did countless hours of community service for the school activities and African refugee programs.They also earned scholarships and have a lot of choices. I was with them all the way, supporting them and all their endeavors. I still do. They are in a great and creative field. They are both working, full time, paying taxes to help fund Dave's retirement justly earned through 30 years of service to our country. Those taxes also go to other needs in the USA like the Military.
We are all part of this nation. Everyone is equally important in my view. With out those that stay at home and fund the military machine we would not have a military. From a monetary point of view the military does not generate resource and income it spends it. By the way paying out pensions to old soldiers does not really jive with true Capitalist ideology.

We can all be proud of our kids. Not sure if mine can be president, they were born on a USA Army base in an Army Hospital in S. Korea, but I am sure there are plenty of other ways they will serve our country. They are decent, hard working, tax paying Americans, Dave, they are part of the populace that will keep your retirement check and benefits coming to you and your wife in your old age. They came from me and it really makes me happy that they are functioning adults and part of the tax paying majority that helps to support Americans like you. They were even made in the USA, I got pregnant in Chicago when I went with Hans on a business trip. I know you don't respect me as an American because I don't currently pay taxes in the USA and don't live there. We do pay tax here and in Germany , which by the way the USA has a reciprocal pension program with Germany. I probably won't live in the states in my old age, but then I will not really cost the government anything like you do. Did your wife (wives) work thirty years also and pay in or do her benefits come through you? For those of you who are divorced men and women if your spouse paid into social security the 10 years minimum you are eligible at retirement age for medicare/ medicaid. Also as as a divorced spouse if you meet the requirements at the time, you may apply for a portion of your spouses retirement and social security check regardless of the length of time you were separated and if they have a current spouse.

Doug said...

just as a point of information your children would be eligible to run for the presidency as the army base in Korea is considered american soil.
John McCain was actually born in the Panama Canal Zone back when it was considered US soil.
His eligibility was beyond contest.

rac said...

Juliet, your son has his MA at 21? Now that's an amazing accomplishment. You deserve to be extremely proud.

rac said...

One of the many problems with the American home school movement is a lack of qualifications for many of those involved. California recently moved towards requiring home schooling parents to have a teaching certificate. Unlike Arkansas where an 8th grade dropout can oversee their children's "education". It's like the blind leading the blind.

juliet said...

He is 21 now and is in Grad school. He will be 22, when he graduates.

Dave said...

Juliet, I'm sure you are very proud of your kids as we are all very proud of ours.. and yours. But let me make something very clear to you. I don't give a flying fuck about any European court or any other foreign laws that do not apply to me here in the USA. I don't give a rats ass about Germany, California or Arkansas, and I could really care less about what you or anyone else thinks about home-schooling. Until children are of legal age here in this country, they are under the full control of their parents and their parents have the sole responsibility for their upbringing.. not the government and damn sure not any foreign government. If you delegate that responsibility to someone else, then your kids are not a product of your upbringing, but of someone else’s who thinks they no what's better for your children than you as a parent does. In other words, your kids are more a product of the state, not a product of their parent’s hard work, dedication and sacrifice in teaching them not only academics, but strong morale character, devotion to family and how to deal with practical life situations. So you raised your kids your way and I will continue to raise mine as I see fit. I'm sure they will all do just fine in society and if they do want to be president someday, it will be their choice, not mine. To answer your question about my wife, in addition to being a full time home-schooling mother, she has also held down a job and paid taxes for most of her adult life. There are no free loaders in my family, and whatever benefits I have earned over the years, came with the very high price of sweat, blood and tears, risking my life and sacrificing my time, my health and personal freedom for this country. I signed a contract that offered a reward if I upheld my end of the bargain. The most important thing in my life and in my family's life right now is enjoying the liberty and freedom that this country offers, before it is lost or taken away.

rac said...

At what point do YOU draw the line, Dave. Do you condone child abuse because it's the parents right to choose what's best for their children?

rac said...

Dave, I would also remind you it was in great part America's education system which made us such a great country. For you to disparage education outside of the home is to disregard your heritage and is an insult to the vast majority of Americans.

juliet said...

Dave I spent probably about 15 years working on military bases, I think I saw a lot of sweat from morning

Dave said...

You educate your kids your way, I'll do it mine. No insult intended, that's what makes America great. As for child abuse, there are American laws against that, which we all have to abide by. That's where I draw the line. And Juliet, I think it shows a great deal of dedication, that some of our young men and women who lay their lives on the line for us, can have have a drink after a long hard day at work, then show up bright and early the next morning and sweat their butts off again.. for us.

juliet said...

Yes well you raise your kids and I'll raise mine kind defunks the "one nation under god principle."

Waco baby.