Monday, January 28, 2008

Brown Eyed Girl

Who was the Chamorro girl that hung around in the '72 - '74 time frame. I remember she showed us her boobs once. First ones I ever saw that I wasn't related to. Must be why I find dark complected women so attractive.


pat said...

Robert, her name escapes me right now, she had found me on and I wrote her and never heard back. I'll try to look her up again. Also, Cindy has my photo album and I think there's a pic of her and I.

Ric Larson said...

I just remeber that I wished she showed me her boobs.

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I too find dark complected women very attractive...and I was so lucky to marry one!

juliet said...

Mary Mariano lived at the end of the road that was directly behind my house. People occasionally drove through our car park to the road. I used to hang out down there in our early years in the circle.Her parents were always so nice, Ben and I had many meals in their out door kitchen. They ate most meals outside.I have always wanted to have a set up like that. I think Mr. Mariano had been head of the police department at one time.He owned a lot of those cows and chickens that lived in the field between us. I loved going down there and feeding the animals. I always thought Mary was really beautiful and seemed much older than me probably because I was around six when we met. I thought she married and moved off Island early on.