Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hey Cindy, watch out for that...

One of the funniest moments of my childhood happened during a water skiing outing on Guam. We were pulling Cindy parallel to the beach when Dad notice a rogue wave had somehow jumped the reef and was coming our way. He turned the boat to face the 3 foot monster head on. Our trusty little ski boat smashed through the wave with a jarring shutter. Unfortunately for Cindy, she was essentially blind without her glasses and oblivious to the approaching danger. She never saw what hit her, and hit her it did. The cresting wave mowed her down like a 350 pound NFL linebacker at full speed. Somehow she survived - but I suspect she wasn't very happy with us at the time. I'm sure our side splitting laughter didn't help her wounded pride much either. It sure was funny though.

BTW Cindy, that wave was probably karma for the time you and Pat stuck me to the electric fence in Wisconsin. So there!


Cindy said...

You tell a good story Robert, I had forgotten that incident, you gave me a good laugh today. Remember how we used to have to dodge Mr Brady's empty beer cans that he threw off the boat while we were skiing? He was a character....he taught all three of us kids to ski, and I think the Jones kids too.

Ric Larson said...

I know that painting. My step father (Dr. Pual Perdew) had the whole sereis in book form by that painter. Mt. Fugi was in all of his or hers painting. This brought back some nice memories! Thanx RAC!

pat said...

haha..yes, the good ole days huh? those dodging beer cans made us stronger.

Joanna said...

Poor Cindy, I bet know one yelled to warn you,just so they could watch you wipe out.My bro Dean sent me on a wave on right side boat basin,I think knowing I'd munch the reef.After almost drowning,I discovered my back was all cut up:)I lived but, took up windsurfing instead.