Monday, January 28, 2008

The Matrix Reloaded

A while back some scientist claimed there was a statistical probability we could be living in a giant computer simulation. I read a quote this morning in response to the mad scientist and it said "If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks". Touché!


Ric Larson said...

I read that same article a while back. I do believe in a higher authority...God. But hope it (He) is not some freaky geek behind a computer screen. And that geek behind the computer screen just may also be a victim of some one elses virtual reality game. And this may go on indefinitly? (The music from the twilight zone should kick in about right now!)

Doug said...

Well if this world is a computer program than the guy that wrote the software deserves to be staked out over a virtual ant bed.

Cindy said...

Can I pick a different Avatar? I want one that's blonde with bigger boobs.

Ric Larson said...

As a talk show radio junky, if anyone wants to tune into a really 'out of this world' radio talk show, got to tune into Coast to Coast AM with Chuck Noory. But unfortunatly, it usually comes on after midnight.