Friday, February 20, 2009

A change in race relations

In a speech on February 18 marking Black History month Attorney General Eric Holder said:

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. Though race related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.”

Hmm - most everytime any white people talk about race, we are branded as racists and bigots. I guess I should welcome this change???


mat said...

I dont know if anyone has heard on the news but here in Colorado at Ft.Carson they put up a sign for presidents day featuring President Obamas picture. A customer complained saying that wasn't about the current pres but about the combined holiday of Washington and Lincolns birthday.Management took down the sign and now some African American employees are making a stink saying the exchange is racist.I remember when we had both holidays.Washingtons b-day and Lincolns b-day I also remember when Congress said you know what? We can't keep making a holiday for every dead pres. so they designated the one day to honor all the presidents b-days.But the key was "Past Presidents".We have become so politically correct in this society to the point that we are afraid to sneeze in front of someone else for fear of being brought up on racism charges(hate crimes).Sad.

Ric Larson said...

'Reverse disgrimination' brother. I bite my tongue every day at work. Don't want to be sent to.... diversity training.

mat said...

It's not so much reverse discrimination as it is the sissyfying of our society.

Ric Larson said...

Mat, you are bringing back memories. I was stationed at Fort Carson Colorado. Had the time of my life there on Nevada avenue (so i'm told) ;)!

Ric Larson said...

Mat, I feel that it all started with the feminization of the American Male. Come to New York friend, and you'll see what I corruption in society. Scarey for anyone with a conscious! Shoot, I had better bite my tungue now.

Doug said...

I haven't really had time to look at and digest his comments but my first impression is WTF.

Doug said...

In a rare and uncharacteristic moment of diplomacy I'm going to resist the temptation to degrade this thread into another across the aisle war of rhetoric.
This I do believe. Living on the island as a non local gave me an unusual perspective on what it means to be in the minority. The sad fact is that we were treated differently by some solely based on the color of our skin. Not by everyone by any means. But it was there and it was real.
And it sucked.

Ric Larson said...

Yes it did suck Doug living on the 'rock' as a white dude. This is why I don't believe in disgrimination. I lived through it myself as many of you have. I believe all people are people, color of skin in my mind does not excist when I look at a person. Half of my coworkers are black and female. We all get along just great. (And we even have Social Worker Hug groups now and then). And I love working with them. But when we are given directives to treat certain minorities or 'gays' special, I get ill. It is not right. What is right is the relationship I have with my minority peers. It is the policies that are wrong.

mat said...

Growing up on Guam I got picked on more by my own kind than I did the locals.Yea I was called Haole like everyone else and you know what?Whoopde de dong.I still call blacks,blacks and whites ,whites and mexicans, Beaners hahaha (my son in law is mexican)and he was born and raised in America and can't stand "wet backs".In case your reading this Jo, don't get offended. Chamorros from Guam can't stand Chamorros from Saipan.Even though a majority of them are related by blood.OK so don't get offended anyone but here's a joke..Why do Mexicans NEVER sneak across the border in groups of 3?Give up? Because the sign on the border says NO "TRES" PASSING"hahahaha.I crack me up.OK Doug hit me with your best shot I'm ready.

Doug said...

Yeah I don't think most of us were too worried about the name calling. It was the attempted 5 on 1 beatings that occasionally grew tiresome.
But hey no hard feelings. For some reason most of them just didn't seem to hit very hard. For some of them I don't really know that their hearts were even in it, it was group behavior and to be accepted they had to participate.
I extracted a little payback on the football field. Funny how when you hit somebody really solid, you know one of those where the snot kind of like flies out of their nose they don't fuck with you so much after that.

mat said...

Hahaha Good one Doug,Yeah I think we all extracted some form of payback at one time or another.

Dave said...

The attorney general's comment calling us a nation of cowards erases decades of progress within and among members of the United States Military. I think that snotty nosed AG should head over to Iraq and stand in front of several thousand soldiers and try calling them a bunch of cowards. I tend to think he would be lucky to leave without getting a much deserved ass kicking. And did anybody hear the president or anyone else in the current administration rebuke his comment? This is only a sign of more to come.

rac said...

Dave, you know that's neither what he said nor what he meant. He said we are nation of cowards when dealing with racial issues. It was probably a poor choice of words but it still doesn't warrant taking his words out of context.

Sean said...

I think it is, though, fair to say that we are "afraid" to talk about race issues because we might step into a protected class trap, get sued, get fired, be sent up the river for a hate crime. At best, white americans are ridiculed as racist haters. Perhaps, if Mr. AG wants to see a change in that he'll make some changes in the legal system that would encourage open discussion.

But, somehow I doubt it. "politically incorrect" speech is infringed upon everywhere from college campuses to workplaces these days. This is a cornerstone of fascism.

Dave said...

I don't know about you guys, but I've spent most of my adult life, talking about and living race relations. From black history, asian and hispanic months to affirmative action, diversity training and anti-discrimination lectures. Eating, drinking, working and yes even sleeping with minorities.(not intimately you dirty minded old buzzards) AG can speak for himself and his crowd of cronies when it comes to being racially biased, but don't speak for me and millions of other Americans who have managed to get beyond and over it. I'm not afraid to communicate with any race. Growing up on Guam taught me that lesson.

mat said...

OK heres another one.Blue light special..Michael Jackson was recently spotted shopping at K-mart.He saw the flier advertising boys pants half off.

Ric Larson said...

Thats funny Mat!

Anonymous said...

I believe since we were white on Guam, a minority, we tend to be less discriminating than other people in the US.