Saturday, February 28, 2009

To complement Juls' previous video


rac said...

Ron Paul - love him or hate him at least he's not afraid to step outside the box. Too bad the RNC never gave him a legitimate chance in the primaries.

Dave said...

World bankers planning to internationalize the printing presses with a new monetary system... we're doomed. Again need I stress.. ONE WORLD everything is coming and there is nothing that anyone of us can do to stop it.

Ric Larson said...

I'm afaid you could be right on this one Dave.

rac said...

To that I would agree, Dave. Except maybe the "we're doomed" part. I tend to be more of an optimist. I believe the goodness of man will ultimately prevail.

Dave said...

Man is a wretched creature, wicked and deceitful in every way; filled with greed and loathing, seeking only to destroy one another. Or something to that effect...
Thomas Hobbes... the enlightenment.

mat said...

Actually Dave, we can stop it.We must unite and vote out the dummies next election. Never give up hope. This country never would have been if we did.

Ric Larson said...

I think this is a revelation from the Bible. A revelation is a revelation. It will come to pass.

mat said...

And I didn't pay much attention to Ron Paul when he ran because unfortunately with the electoral college being what it is, he didn't stand a chance. And he didn't impress me. I realy liked Fred Thompson. If you look back on his record in congress he was an honest guy. I also realize that no matter who the GOP put forward the left would find fault with. Unfortunately the right did the same thing to their own candidate. So here we are.

rac said...

"Man is a wretched creature, wicked and deceitful in every way; filled with greed and loathing, seeking only to destroy one another."

Well then, that certainly explains... everything:

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

rac said...

Here's some more words from Ron Paul: "We killed a million Iraqis and that pleased bin Laden"

Doug said...

"The world is comprised primarily of those from two schools of thought. Those that don't know, and those that don't know that they don't know."

Dave said...

And those that don't know that they don't know that they don't know. Who knows?

Doug said...

Well then just put me squarely in the I don't know camp.
I think.
Oh, I don't know.