Thursday, February 19, 2009

You win Dad

For years my Dad and I participated in the Windows/Mac debate. Having cut my teeth on an old DOS machine in the late 80's there was no way he could ever convince me of Apple's superiority. But today I give my Father his due. After close examination and intense research, I have to say the iPhone is hands down the greatest invention ever. Mind you, their computers still suck, but the iPhone is a genuine piece of art. Way to pick 'em Dad.


mat said...

When I worked at the mall on Guam We used Mac because it was more user friendly meaning it was easier to use for advertising.That was their battle cry.Point and click. Windows had just come out and up to that point all the "Good" publishing software was DOS based.Hell, all software was DOS based.Looking back RAC your dad was a visionary.You are truly your fathers son!

mat said...

And while we're on the subject,what about some of the other Dads.Lets hear some stories about how our dads influenced us.

mat said...

Robert,I have to say my only real memory of your dad was when we were playing a game at home and it involved poking my hands with a fork.And I have to say that it hurt. OW!

Doug said...

Hey, I like my MAC.
As far as memories well I remember my dad going out to Anderson and appropriating some old 200 lb. bomb crates from the dump there and building a backstop for the baseball field we had behind the bus stop. It was across the street from the Copelands/Jones/Carraways.
It fell victim to a passing typhoon.
We also built a very functional lanai with those things. That one lasted even after we left. I guess the termites finally got it.

Dave said...

Well now, you all know my Dad's legacy. Every time I see an old volkswagon van or a chicken crossing the road, I think of him and how much I miss his never ending "over engineering" ideas. Mat knows what I'm talking about. Just looking under the hood of that Monte Carlo makes you scratch your head and wonder why you didn't invest in 3M corporation. Dad experimented with every sealant and adhesive known to man. He would classify them all by a generic term he used. He would always say, "just put a little Atten-Pucky on it."

Ric Larson said...

RAC, I know very little about computers as a whole. At home Teresa and I use Windows, it's the only system we know. But my next door next door neighbor has, and sweares by MAC.

My office mate at work just got one of those iphones. He was showing it to me Tuesday when he got it. Nice toy! It does it all!

Ric Larson said...

As for my step-father, my memories of him and what he did for me are very found. I miss him a lot.

mat said...

My fondest memories of my dad are going with him to look for glass balls on the beaches.Thew were floats/buoys/markers for Japanese fishing trawlers nets that had broken free and washed up on the beach.And Daves dad and Jo's dad were my second dads.No need to elaborate.I could create a whole new blog just on my adventures and memories of them.And you know what?To all you other DC alums.I remember all your dads pretty much anyways( and the moms too) and God bless them all for putting up with our dumbasses and not shipping us off island.Cheers to them.

Ric Larson said...

Mat, so well meaningful said and! You brought a tears to my eyes!

Doug said...

I think the best place on the island for finding glass balls was Hawaiian Rock. Something about the currents was just right,
My mom still has several of them with the nets attached.

Ric Larson said...

I remember my grand father (George Perdew) had several of them in his home in Loto.

Ric Larson said...

Not Loto, Toto. Ooops~

mat said...

Oh and to Daves Post,not only would I want to own stock in 3M but JC Whitney as well. Call me bro and let me know if your mom got the package.

illustrationISM.... said...


Anonymous said...

Our company switched all of our computers to MAC in the last year. WE LOVE IT.

Since the software we make and sell is Windows based, we run it in a Virtual Windows on the MAC. Since Windows fracks up frequently, we use the Time Machine in MAC to restore the OS.