Friday, November 9, 2007

Juliets comments, 'bout Mom

Juliet, today was moms service and the preacher read an excerpt of what you had written on the blog about what you remembered about our mom. thanks darling for your thoughts..It was nice.....luv ya pat


juliet said...

I am glad I could offer some support from way over here. You know I always liked your mom. She really seemed like one of the most stable mothers in the DC mommy line-up. One year I was up in Korea and I was doing the Christmas trees in the elementary school. Well, the trees I had to work with were really bare so I remembered in one of my freeze frame memory flashes that your mother had tied two Iron Wood trees together to make a Christmas tree.(maybe it was your dad, I can't remember for sure) and that is what I did. Do you remember that tree?

Cindy said...

Yes, the memorial service was good, short and sweet like Mom would have wanted. An awkward moment though when my 18 year old autistic daughter said when she saw my boss there ,"Mom, why is Fran here? I thought you didn't get along with her?" OMG I was ready to crawl under a chair. Good thing I already have had my yearly evaluation and Chelsea also thought the Hospice place was so nice she was making plans on how she would bring ME there one day and wanted to know what songs I would like played at my funeral. A real thoughtful

Doug said...

Beautiful. Good for you Pat. Nothing more important than family.

DRL said...

I know that you told us to "be happy", and I am thankfull that you three are dealing with this so well. I would hope that "We Bloger's" as apart of your family has helped. We all thank you for letting us be apart of you lives at this time.