Sunday, November 25, 2007

Recent Carlson Pics

Left to right- Clay, Patty Jo, Me, Linh and Chovin. We've been eating at PIC for Thanksgiving for the last few years. For those that haven't been here for awhile, PIC is where the old Contenental Hotel was. We go play at PIC once in awhile. They have quite a few things to do there.

This was at Kings restaurant today. Linh was so cold she had to cover up with a napkin. I hope she doesn't check the blog. She won't be happy to see it online but I thought it was cute.


Dave said...

Hey Paul, its good to see you back with us. Your Dad and Patty Jo look the same as I remember them from back then and you have a very lovely wife. If she's cold there on Guam, its a good thing you guys aren't here on the mainland right now. Is Choven your brother-in-law? In the picture taken at Kings restaurant, you have a striking resemblance to John Lennon. Hope you visit the blog more often and stay in touch. Its always good to see you.

juliet said...

Chovin is Paul's son. I can not believe how he has grown. What happend to the wild hair he had as a youngster? Very handsome. He stands just like you. How come your wife doesn't get old like the rest of us?

Paul said...

Maybe its a relativity thing but she says otherwise :-)

Joanna said...

Paul, I remember your Dad and Mom.Nice family...weird how we live on the same island but, never see eachother:)

Ric Larson said...

Paul, I remember your Dad too! Please help me to refresh my memory. When did you live in the Circle and who did you hang out with? With your current occupation, i'm quessing that you hung out with Sam Sparks or my bother Sean. But I am often wrong.

Nice pictures of your family! Lovely wife you have! SCORE!

DanL said...

Ric, I believe Paul lived in the two story apts. on the right as you enter the circle.
I think he had the little hut in the jungle behind the apts with the potted plants that we smashed one day. OOPs. I didn't know who's they were at the time. But as time went by I figured the plantation was Pauls.
He and Dave hung out together.
Am I right?

Paul said...

We lived in the first unit of the two story apartments next door to the Sulivan Family. They were sponsoring two cute Palauan girls Mary and Merly. As it turns out Mary married Lance Vandervelde from Merizo.

I hung out with Ben, Dave and Chris, the Jones' mostly. I guess the girls that were nearly the same age would have been Alice and Wendy and Desi. I did kind of hang out with Desi for awhile. She was a sweet girl that always smelled like baby's milk. I'm not sure hanging out with me was a wholly positive experience.

I did spend a lot of time skipping out of school in the jungle behind my apartments and down at the Marine Lab. I eventually ran away from home because school (or my lack of it). Lucky for me my son is doing much better in school then I. Come to think of it, he has already been in school longer then I was too.

Paul said...

Oh yea, I don't think I had an attention span long enough to pot non pot plants back then anyway. So Dan they couldn't have been mine.

juliet said...

Yes Paul ran away but he pretty much hung out at our house. Ben and Paul were always together back then when we lived up at Perez Acres.

juliet said...

Dan looking back on it what made you smash the potted plants?

Cindy said...

Beautiful wife and handsome son, Paul. Patty Jo and Clay look the same. Patty Jo sent me a real nice email after mom died. My parents had lots of good times with them and I remember going to the farm and Patty Jo's Great Danes. They would run through the house and the whole house shook.

mat said...

Paul,I remember your parents from later in life wow small world(island)around '91 or '92 when I was contracting we went to the farm to look at I think putting in some air conditioners or something(maybe a generator)anyways good to hear from you and what a nice family you have.

Ric Larson said...

Now I remember you Paul! Your hair, like the rest of ours was just a little bit longer back then. And I also remember that little fort that you had out back.

Dan, why were we so distructive as kids? And how did we end up being such good citizens (hee hee)?

DanL said...

Yes, Rick, we are good citizens. Back then man I don't know why we smashed up everything. I was a destructive little runt then. Maybe I was lashing out in my subconscious due to the physical and emotional abuse from my big brothers. I WAS A TRAUMATIZED CHILD!!! (poor me).
I'm all better now.
Im not so sure if they were potted pot or non potted pot plants. at the time i didn't think the potted plants were pot, but after thinking about it for a few years why would one pot non pot in a jungle hut? the potted ones were probably potted non pot, to disguise the potted pot in a non pot. then again why would one pot pot in a non pot.
It's still too foggy for me to remember, I'd better go now. My head hurts.

Ric Larson said...

Dang it Dan, that was very deep dude! (But I was also thinking a long the same line too...pot and plant, non-pot plant, planted pot not potted)!

Dave said...

And I thought we were the ones who were living a bit too large back then. You "runts" were following in our footsteps, only you were hopped up on emotional steroids. You poor traumatized children should seek immediate medical attention. Dan, I always figured that you would grow up one day and kick mine and Chris's butts for tormenting you as kids. Sorry bro, we were only playing out our own emotional traumatization that society put upon us. We are all scarred for more ways than one. RAC has a weird circle on his arm...???

Doug said...

I could chime in here with how it was only normal and understandable that we would torment the more young and vulnerable residents of the Circle. What with the constant pressure we under from all sides coupled with the usual stresses and frustrations of adolesence.
Truth is we did it because it was fun and there wasn't shit you could do about it.

alice said...

Hi Paul and family. I remember you as a sweet spirit.
The rabbits and great danes in merizo were cool too.

Doug said...

I think it leaves the former victims in the position of having the last laugh.

Ric Larson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanL said...

Doug, it leaves the former victims caring for the older, and leaving what is in the past, in the past.
In those days, we looked up to you guys, we enjoyed the beatings, that got us attention, and some weed now and then.

Joanna said...

Dan,your on the right tune for these older teenagers...jus kidding. Yet, we did follow their ways. Live and Learn or Die back then,remember? There was no slack like a jumper to catch you,crawl or be washed away. Sayonara!We all have a lot to be grateful for and this site is definitely a great place to go to:)