Sunday, September 9, 2007


September 8th, 2007


Dave said...

Places I've lived since Guam, 1975:
California, Utah, Yap/Micronesia, North Carolina, Hawaii, California, Puerto Rico, North Carolina, Hawaii, California.

Currently I live in Sacramento CA.
I will retire from the Coast Guard in summer of 2008 and move across the mountains to my house in Fallon Nevada, close to Reno.

I am married with 4 children, ages 25, 18, 13, 12. I am a grandfather now, with my second grandchild on the way.

I am thankful to have you all as
friends, and to have made contact with you again after more than 30 years.

rac said...

We could have crossed paths several times in our lives and never even known it. I certainly would not have recognized you.

~dana said...

Great photo of you Dave. It's good to hear that you're doing well in Sacramento. But it's hard to believe that any of us kids playing British Bulldog at the old bus stop is actually mature enough to have grandkids. Say it ain't so!

Cindy said...

Dana, I actually have FIVE grandkids myself