Saturday, September 29, 2007

Well, its time to break out some of those geeky photos of yester-year. If you have any mullet headed, dorky pictures that you are embarrassed but willing to share, I dare you to post them.
This is me at age 15 enjoying the day at cocos island and Matt Kalb with my brother Pete.


rac said...

So that's who's in the bottom pic with your brother. Shoot, I thought it was Robert Jones.

Rod said...

I wont mention just how geeky you look, until I post my own geeky fotos..Got any on you dirt bike?

Dave said...

I've got one of me sitting on my dragster go cart that I traded Sammy Sparks a switch blade and a blank gun for. I'll see what else I can come up with.

~dana said...

What ever happened to the Sparks kids? Sammy and Alice? Has anyone kept in touch with either of them?

Just an interesting tidbit: I ran into Tom Monvelcohen's mom when I was in Guam. She said he became a lawyer, was working in New York City and did something or other with Rudy Guiliani. Does anyone know if he's on the campaign trail with Rudy?

Doug said...

Toms mom is still on Guam?! Tom was one of my original buddies on the island.
I can SO see him as a lawyer. He'd debate the time of day with you. Kind of like you actually Dana. Although I'm sure you're just a sweetheart now :)

pat said...

got one coming dave, you and don't worry, not bad. cindy confiscated my guam photo album today. she has a scanner. God help us all...just kiddin. hahaha

Dave said...

Can't wait to see them. Post them all......