Saturday, September 8, 2007

Jeff, Nancy, Joanna, Harry, Doug, Robert, Dave, Wendy, Alice, & Pat


rac said...

If that's not heroin chic I don't know what is.

Dave said...

This picture was taken in Alice's front yard, across the street from my house. I think everyone must be real tired because our eyes are barely open.

Doug said...

Well i can only speak for myself but largly due to my years of good clean living I no longer need worry about "jutting bones".

rac said...

I'm with you on that Doug.

pat said...

hey, you all keep referring to red eyes. If I recall we had just come back from swimming down off the cliffs. "notice our hair all wet". I don't think we were smoking anything but salt water drenched marlboro greens. you crazies would jump off that tall sharp rock. you'all talked me into climbing up it, then I was too chicken to jump off. I cried, but somehow I got down. It was a good day.

Doug said...

Ah yes the old "sharp rock". You had to time it just right to when a wave was breaking underneath or else the water was not deep enough. Things we did without hardly thinking twice back then make me wonder sometimes how we all lived to remember them. Hell I remember some of those caves we went into on those cliffs if we'd have gotten lost or something they never would have found us.
Marlboro Green, now there's a brand I haven't even heard of in years. ' course I quit 17 or so years ago so I haven't really been paying attention.
Good times though.

Dave said...

I still remember my initiation to Pago Bay. According to Scott Shook and Clay Copeland, you had to jump off the rock naked. I'll never forget seeing my clothes floating out to sea after I jumped, courtesy of Ben Bast. Needless to say, sharks or no sharks, I had to do some serious swimming to get back into my shorts.

pat said...

LOL Dave, I hadn't heard that story, or I forgot. how funny!