Saturday, December 15, 2007

Home Sweet Home


juliet said...

Great photo, really enjoy the trees. Guam had a coconut tree blight in the 80's that devastated the tops of most of the trees. I don't know if the coconut tree population is recoverd. The big old ones were few to be sceen when I left. I think most of these old huts blew away with pamela and paka.

Ric Larson said...

Wow Dave, love the pic! We moved to Harmon in 1972, I think I was 10years old then.

I don't remember our address in Harmon at all.

The best way that I know how to driscribe where we lived: when you are leaving Two Lovers Point, at the end of the road you make a left, then you first left. Our Quonset Hut was one block up on the right (I think)?

Thanks again for posting the picture, brought me back to some really good memories!

Dave said...

Ric, did you ever hear of or know anyone from the Eaton family? Danny was the youngest of the bunch, a year or two younger than me. He and I still stay in touch, he lived in Harmon for many years. There was also Jerry Mackey, Crystal Mata, the MacMillan brothers and many others that lived there at the same time you did. Harmon Village is a ghost town. It is now covered and reclaimed by the boonies, but will remain a place I visit often... in my dreams.

Ric Larson said...

I know that name, the Eatons. Were they a couple of blonde haired kids? Desi, (if you read this?) may remember them better than me. But dave, that name certainly rings a bell.

Joanna said...

Does anyone remember the Branch family.They lived there also. My daughter's godfather is Jon Branch,EMT,ALS now and he has a younger brother named Adam,Their Dad was Jim Branch and Mom was Yvonne.Their grandparents moved to Guam to teach way back in the 50's.

Ric Larson said...

Dave, do you have any more photos of the quonset huts in/from Harmon?