Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daves still here...

I'm still alive and well, 20 lbs lighter since retirement and working harder than I ever did at work. Just got back from Utah, was helping my mom get ready for winter. Mat came out to get his prize, my Dad's Monte Carlo. He made some killer food while there, a fair trade. Good to see the blog still moving along nicely, and will try to visit more often. I only wish I could have spent more time with more of you at the reunion, it seemed to fly by so fast. Good times and good fun.


Doug said...

About friggin' time. Slacker.

Paul said...

Hmm, the reunion went even faster for those of us who weren't there.

I wonder how that fits into Einstein's theory relativity?

Ric Larson said...

At least we now know that you are doing doing AOK!

Glad to hear that you and Mat got to meet up again and so soon after Vegas. Mat and his muscle cars. But to own a muscle car, you have to know how to work on one, and Mat does. He got himself a nice Gem, Monte Carlo, and you Dad's at that! Sweet!

Yeah, Vegas flew by at the speed of light. It wsa a lot of fun though!

juliet said...

Masalam Dave, 20 pounds lighter now you should recalculate your "real age" that the weight loss should give you an increase in life expectancy. How did you do it?

mat said...

Welcome back bro! You were missed in cyber space. Don't be mamalou man, you make the best red rice. I told Benita your trick putting the achiote in the rice prior to the water and she was like really now! If Daves is so good why don't you just go have him make you some. So a road trip to Fallon may just be in the works. Hahaha.

Joanna said...

Paul,I understand the ?.Mat,you're making me hungry and he gave you his Dad's meetings,yeah right.Like when I caught you and Sam smoking cigarettes:)Juliet,I could use losing 20 pounds:)Hey,Alice is heading to this part of the world:)!!!!

Joanna said...

I just noticed 9/11.I just feel sadness for most all the people who passed away that day.I feel upset that the "mastermind" is still alive and well.Sorry,just noticed the date...

Joanna said...

Of course so too many that gave their lives from the U.S. and allies.

Joanna said...

Sorry Dave,I should have started another thread.I'm glad that you're back also:)

juliet said...

Well that is great news Alice and Jo. It has been eight years since I have seen any of my family. My mom and I are regulars on the phone. I actually got an email from Alice!(It was great to hear from you) We heard from some old Navy guys we used to hang out with. We always were very patriotic girls and firmly supported the military recreation activities. Hahaha.

mat said...

Everyone needs to do their part to support the military Juliet wink wink. Hahaha

juliet said...

Hahahha Okay Matt, you do your part and I'll do mine. hahahah

Paul said...

Joanna, let me know when Alice is in town so we can get together for lunch or BBQ or something.

Desi said...

Hey Juliet - the email I have for Alice isn't working.... could you forward my address to her or something?

juliet said...

Hi Desi I sent it to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave, I have been remiss to visiting the blog lately and today I saw your post and wanted to say hi to you and everyone else. Just been a bit melancholy since I got home from the reunion. Energized but sad all at the same time.

Anyway, work has got me by the ovaries and taking a lot of my time. I hope to rejoin you all and visit with you on the blog in a renewed way.

PS, I am kinda glad I missed some of the political stuff.

Ric Larson said...

Got to tell you girl, I loved the reunion in Vegas...seeing you and everyone else! After I left Vegas, I felt low for a while, as I wanted the reunion to last forever!
Today is Teresa's Birthday. I took her to a nice place on the Hudson River to eat dinner and to celebrate her birthday. We had the ski line of New York City in our view, as the sun was setting! Pure was!

Joanna said...

Juliet,You always make me laugh!!!Paul,I'll let you know, right when I know.A barbecue sounds more better,for Guam's Islander style:)Do you have a 4x4?We could go to Hanom off of Yigo or burn some meat here in Chalan Pago or both.She said around Oct 7, or so.