Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin not the Baby Momma

Probably the greatest political rumor of all times has emerged just 2 days after her being selected as running mate of one John McCain. The rumor states that Sarah Palin's recent child is not her own... it's her oldest daughter's. Whether it's true or not you have to admit it's a whopper. That's the problem with picking an unknown so close to election; they have yet to be vetted on the World stage.


Ric Larson said...

Can't always believe rumors. Rumors do have some true behind them, but 90% of rumors are just 'rumors'.

You must agree, McCain's new VP pick is hottie!

Becki said...

And the latest is...her 17 year old daughter is in fact pregnant, out of wedlock, thus dispelling the ridiculous rumor. I hope her family is ready for the next couple of months. It's going to get hideous. How sad...American politics.

Ric Larson said...

Yepper Becki, heard it on the news today myself. What is up with these people and their families in politics today? Lack of morals...maybe?

Doug said...

Not to trivialize out of wedlock child bearing or anything but if the kid 'aint mine it 'aint my problem.

Ric Larson said...

Very good point Doug!

Ric Larson said...

Off the beat'n path (subject), but wanted to share this with every one.

My wife and I just returned from a mini-vacation at the Amish Country, Lancaster, Pennsyvalnia. We did the buggy ride thing, even hired an Amish guide to show us around, and show and tell us how the Amish realy live. Teresa and I love their live style, and would consider it ourselfs, but we are not good at farming.

While at one of the Amish museumes, I ran into a dude wearing a Guam USA hat. I stopped him and told him that I grew up in Guam. He said that he did not, then pointed me to his wife, who was a native of Guam.

She questioned me about many things, then realized that I did grow up in Guam. She was so kind to Teresa and I.

She was the first native of Guam that I have met (20 plus years ago) since I left the Army, out side of seeing Mat's wife if Vegas. It was so exciting to talk with her!

Cindy said...

Here's my 2 cents for what it's worth. As a working mom myself for 25 years and the mother of a kid with a chromosomal abnormality I must say "let's be real!!!" There is no way that woman could run a state, mother 5 kids including one with disabilities, be a wife, participate in all those activities she says she does, and manage to stay looking like a beauty queen every day without neglecting someone, or something along the way. If she really and truly always has put her family first then she would not be seeking the job she's a sad fact and would not even be an issue if she was a man but it's reality. As hard as we try.... as women we can not do all, be all, to everybody.

As for all the scrutiny and rumors, if you are going to choose a profession where you are in the public eye and your salary is paid for with tax payers money you better accept that your life is going to be under the microscope, it comes with the job. The democrats don't have to do the's the speech, free enterprise and all that...scandal sells stories.

And lastly, teaching abstinence to prevent teenage pregnancy has NEVER worked in the past and never will. Maybe we all don't agree on a woman's right to choose but can't we at least agree that education and easy access to birth control is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies?

Ric Larson said...

Ric's hormones talking: "But she's so so so HOT'!

Ric's logic talking: "Any women that can raise 5 kids and knock off a grizzly bear with a registered fire arm has my vote"! ;)

Becki said...

So true about gender..if Sarah Palin were a man, none of her issues would be issues. Clearly she is in a non-traditional marriage...not a sign of neglect, but one of balance. And abstinence? That's a choice...women have always had the right to choose...they just need to exercise it. For what it's worth...

mat said...

Actually Cindy, teaching abstinence and leading by example does work. Before abortion was legal there were a lot less teen pregnancies. Sure it happened but it was'nt the scourge it is today. And no matter who McCain picked you would'nt like him/her. Sarah Palin shows that you can have a life and career too. There are no perfect parents or children but we do the best we can. Just my 2 cents worth.

Doug said...

I watched her speech last night and I will share my observations. In my opinion:
1) She's an effective communicator, effective enough to where her actual message takes a back seat to how the message is delivered. Good speakers like her can recite from a Chiltons Auto Repair Manual and be successful. Regardless of party or political affiliation those that can use words are quite refreshing given the last eight years of linguistic indolence to which we have been subjected.
2). It would have been even better if she were wearing a thong.
3). I ask myself if I could see her as the President and damned if I don't say yeah I could only I think it real quiet like.
4). Was it just me or did McCain real quick like glance at her tits when they were all up on the stage in that big happy family moment.
In the interest of consistency and fairness I watched Palins speech on MSNBC same as I did Bidens just so I could catch the commentary from Oberman and his gang of four. They were duly complimentary of Palin, and their sense of apprehension at witnessing the coming out of a formidable opponent to Obama/Biden was palpable. I can only imagine the gleeful & patronizing editorializing coming from the likes of that gargoyle Sean Hannity. I predict McCain/Palin wins by a narrow margin in November, thus keeping my now eight straight election streak of voting for the loser intact.
Should be an entertaining Autumn.

rac said...

Doug, I have to say I echo your sentiments exactly... except for thong remark because that would be sexist (wink, wink).

Ric Larson said...

I liked the remark about the 'thong' thing! (Or should I retract what I just wrote? Don't want to be seen or viewed as a sexist....naaaah). ;)

Cindy said...

I've worked for the same health care system for the past 29 years and our CEO and elected board has always prided itself on the fact that even when times have been tough, we have never had any lay offs...that changed this week with the elimination of 50 positions and the layoff of 25 employees. We've also been told that while our health insurance premiums are rising this year there will probably be no raises in the budget. The city I live in has the highest foreclosure rate of any place in the US. I have had to help my grown daughter and her family pay their bills last month because my future son-in-law's company has gone bankrupt and he lost his job. They are frantically trying to get their boat sold so they will have the cash to move to North Carolina where Alan will have a job in his uncles company.

I'm voting for who tells me that they have a solid plan on how to help us get out of this mess we are in..I'd like a good night's sleep instead of laying awake every night worrying about how my kids are going to survive financially and the fact that none of them have any health insurance in case they get sick.

Cindy said...

Sorry to be such a downer...believe me, usually I really enjoy sarcasm and snarky and condescending remarks...but not this week...not last night. I forgot to add that a good friend and co-worker's next door neighbor shot himself in the head this week..he lost his job months ago, had not been able to find another...he left behind the 2 grand kids he had custody of, and all his unpaid bills were laid out in a row on his dining room table.

Doug said...

you know the economy is in the doldrums when people in the health care field are being shown the door. It is bad and it's quite likely that it will get worse before it gets better. This will be a lean Winter. The one immutable fact of free market capitalism is that there has to be a down to be an up. This too shall pass.
I firmly believe that our island upbringing raised us to be survivors. Quick to learn, adapt and improvise. You will be fine.

Cindy said...

Thanks for the good words Doug, as always, you know just what to say...

Ric Larson said...

Cindy, I know the feeling all to well. I was fired from a job in 2005, filed a complaint with the EEOC, just got the judgement in my favor from the EEOC just last month. I was out of full time work for 2 1/2 years until an agancy hired me as a social worker. During that 2 1/2 years some awfull thoughts went through me own head, but my faith in God kept me going. It was a trying time for me and my wife. I was very well down in the dumps. Hated seeing my wife go to work as I sat at home and tried to worked free lance. This economy is not a
good now. But as Doug said, "this shall too pass".

I am so sorry about your neighbor.

Anonymous said...

No one asked senator Bidin ( as single father ) if he could handle his family and job at the same time.

Ric Larson said...

Juls, now your talking about being 'Politicaly Correct'!

I'm being sarcastic. I'm with you on that one! Good to hear from you since the reunion! How have you been?