Friday, September 26, 2008

Jeez - I missed all the fun.

Let this be a lesson - you have to log, er blog every day!


Sean said...

Has anyone found a good way to see which posts have been updated?

It is easy to see new posts, but as far as I can tell you have to open all of them to see any new comments.

Ric Larson said...

Sean...see what happens when you miss a few days! ;-)

What I have found is that you have to 're-log on' after every time you read a 'post', or hit the 'refresher thingy thing' to get the new 'posts updates'.

Sean said...

WHat I mean is... I have to keep track in my head how many replies there are to each post so I know when new ones are there.

It would be nice if this tool would keep track and highlite the posts I haven't read yet.

Joanna said...
