Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Civilian Security Force

Who wants this? Last time it was implemented in the Western World was from Hitler!


America Beware!!!


Ric Larson said...

Nope, more like the Gestapo.

Dave said...

Good question Ric. I and about 90 million other Americans are wondering the same thing, what in hells name was big-O talking about? He wants them to have as much power, strength and financial support as the U.S. military? Think about that for a moment. As much power as the United States military in the hands of a civilian security force. Vigilantes with Nukes. Sounds like some kind of U.N, NATO or Islamo-Fasciest army, just waiting to mobilize from within our own borders. As all those hypnotized people in the background clap blindly, as if they don't even hear what he's actually saying. Don't know about you, but it sure scares the crap outta me. Socialist Marxism lives!

rac said...

We already have a civilian security force, it's called the National Guard (aka a well regulated militia).

Islamo-Fascist army, SS, Gestapo... we are kidding right? If not, I might recommend turning off the radio. You guys are letting your emotions (and common sense) be manipulated like Jello. I guess the terrorist really have won.

rac said...

Besides, instead of worrying about something that hasn't happened, why don't you worry about the things that have happened. I reiterate my earlier statement... the "terrorist" really have won.

"Northcom has announced that two more U.S. military units will be assigned for domestic homeland security missions, bringing the total number of combat ready service members operating inside the U.S. to around 4,700, as fears grow about the increasing militarization of law enforcement". full story here

Not to mention the recent agreement which allows the Canadian army to deploy into the U.S. to help quell a domestic disturbance... HERE. I don't have the reference off-hand but will find and post it soon.

rac said...

As promised: U.S. Northern Command, Canada Command establish new bilateral Civil Assistance Plan

Ric Larson said...

Socialism is only a bad and dirty word in America (or at least to me)because it has failed everywhere it was implemented in the world. Socialism takes total control over the rights of individuals. It suppresses economic growth. And the majority of the citizens living in socialist countries are dirt poor.

Can any one explain to me the benifits of Socialism?

Cindy said...

When Jefferson became our 3rd president in 1800, Federalist propogandists charged that he was an "infidel" and said that there would be a Civil War and that murder, robbery, rape, adultery and incest would be openly taught and practiced.

Ric Larson said...

National Guard troops are civilian soldiers, not a security force on US soil (CONUS), and have very limited powers on US soil. I am a former PA Army National Guard Officer, and was activated at one point for security. We were given our weapons, but now ammo. We were there as a show of force, but had no law enforcement powers. We were there much like the 'Guardian Angels'. When we saw an insident, we had to call the local law enforcement agency, and could not detain...on US soil. The Army National Guard consist mainly of combat troops that preform humanitary duties on the mainland when activated, yet can be activated by the President of the United States to serve overseas. US Army Reserve personal are usually combat support units, and can be activated by the President to serve overseas or CONUS to support the active Army or National Guard overseas or at home.

There is no correlation between the Reservse/ Natinal Guard and the 'Civilian Security Force' that Obama wants to install.

Ric Larson said...

But if Socialism is what you want, your about to get it!

Ric Larson said...

Dave, I am with you on this topic! It scares the crap out of me too!

Dave said...

Somebody has been drinking the kool-aid...

As for socialism? You have the filthy rich and the dirt poor potato farmers who don't get to keep their potatoes. There's nothing in between. What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine and what's ours is theirs. And don't worry, the marxist will turn off our radios.

Ric Larson said...

So right!

Becki said...

What is wrong with Socialism? Really? In a 21st century America this is a debate? Socialism is the antithesis of American democracy. And a domestic security force? Can you say TSA? Government isn't big enough? Ouch.

Ric Larson said...

Well said Becki! Just ask any airline pilot what TSA stands for? They will tell you "thugs standing around"!