Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ok so I have something to say and I hope no one gets pissed off. I look forward to logging in every day on this blog and shooting the breeze with everyone. We are all adults now and it's not like we are10 or11 or 12 back on the rock. We have very strong political opinions and we MUST respect every body elses. I will venture to say that half of us lean to the right and half to the left. Sometimes I get get upset with someone elses opinion and I'm sure some of you get upset with mine. But so what. I always sense when I piss someone off and try to smooth things over afterwards. Thats how it should be. Please guys(The gals are lumped in there too.) Lets not get personal. Calling someone names or suggesting someone be brought up on charges is wrong. Maybe we weren't all friends back in the day but I like to think we are now. We at least all share a special bond being from the circle. I want to have some serious squabbles over politics and get the heart pumping but no being nasty ok? I hereby nominate Doug to be the "Elder" of the blog or the blog czar to keep it respectful. And remember RAC can always have a post removed.Now both sides go to your corners and come out swinging yeehaw!


Anonymous said...

I first the motion.

mat said...

And no more pictures of spiders that was the first thing I saw this morning when I logged on.I hate those things. sheesh. Good picture though Paul.

Anonymous said...

Who will second the motion?

Doug said...

Oh sure, pick on the old guy. Nice.

mat said...

Hahaha I didn't mean it like that Doug. But looking back you were like the leader of the pack when we were young and it just seemed apropriate.Plus as much as you and I disagree/fight about shit, I trust you. I think everyone else does too.

Ric Larson said...

Juls, I 2nd it!

Anonymous said...

Ok Doug, unless you decline to accept this honorable position it looks like you have been voted in as the Czar of the DC political discussions. Good luck!

Ric Larson said...

Haven't we all forgot someone? Doesn't Dave also have equal access to the 'delete button' as the RAC'man does? You remember...Dave the 'Sheriff'. Maybe Dave and the RAC'ster aught to start utilizing that red button they have on there computer.

And yes sir and mam, the Doug'ster has earned the respect of many if not most on this bolg site. I feel he too aught to be given access to the 'great big red delete button'.

Ric Larson said...

Ugh, Just one last thing Doug' man, if you are approved by the 'higher powers to be' (Dave and the RAC' Meister') to have 'red button delete power', can I still be so humbled to sit in your presents and do some shots or drinks with you? Around an illegal camp fire on a Floridian beach of course! :)

mat said...

It's not who has the access to delete button as much as it is the right to blow the whistle and say "Youre Outta Here". Okay so Dougs in. SPEACH!(It's already a given that Dave and RAC are the founders),But Doug shall be the Sheriff.The "I's" have it,SPEACH...

Doug said...

I have no desire to have access to a delete button. I despise censorship.
I defer this weighty burden to Dave & Robert.
If there is a consensus for me to act as "elder" I'd be honored. I'm not sure what this entails but it certainly sounds better than village idiot.
My personal philosophy is that people are entitled to a long leash. If they choose to hang themselves with the slack this is their free will. Mine included.
Honest and earnest discourse calls for four ingredients. To disagree without being disagreeable. To make a point without being pointed. To make your own judgment without being judgmental. To understand the difference between ones perception of reality and reality. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. No one is entitled to the facts.
All of us have some recognition that there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. Where that line lays varies according to the individual but there should be boundaries. It is my humble opinion that lines have been crossed recently. I do not name names and I certainly am not worthy of making judgment.
I value the opinions of all of you. I certainly don't share some of them but I value them. Why? Because I honor diversity of thought.
The fact that the sometime chippiness of this blog has not driven everyone away is testament to how much our shared island upbringing means to all of us. There is a recognition of how rare and unique our formative years truly were. To this date since I came back stateside I can count on the fingers of one hand the people that could even come close to what we experienced. Made some good friends sure and done okay for myself but there's no one that can relate. That is why we come back.
Truth be told there isn't much difference between some of the discussions here and what used to go on on the curb out in front of the Carraways near every night. Only difference now is you aren't in danger of collecting a face full of fist from an offended and reactionary holder of opposing views.
So...try not to offend and try not to be offended. And if you may happen to stretch your really, really long leash taut be prepared for some old guy to call you out on it.
I remain happily subordinate to the Blog founders.
So um...what's it pay?

juliet said...

Yes, I think Drl/s comments about me and my husband should be removed and I think that he should be banned from this blog.

Ric Larson said...

As you too should be!

mat said...

When my boss asked me some years ago if I would be interested in being an instuctor for the new hire orientation and maintenance excellence class.I was honored. But then I asked what it payed. And she told me nothing. But you get the "Prestige".Hmmm.Sounds like a pretty thank less job. But on the other hand,At the next reunion the "Jack and Diet Coke" will flow freely. Do you really think Dave and RAC will be opposed? Just accept already. If it makes anyone feel better we can have a "Counsel of Elders" and you,Dave and RAC can all be on it.But I nominate you to be the "Grand Poohbah" (or senior elder which ever title you feel comfortable with)hahaha.Will you accept? SPEECH!

Ric Larson said...

Doug, we need more people like you were I work!

mat said...

I still want to be the drug czar(minister of marijuana).Hahaha.

mat said...

I didn't mean for it to be like this Doug but there really is some bad blood here. OOh I know, lets just let the chips fall where they may and see where it goes. How about I just shut up now?Hahahha.Can't we all just get along?yeehaw

Ric Larson said...

Yes Mat. Blood is thicker than water. This is why we need the Doug'Meister to be....the "Elder" of the blog or the blog czar to keep it respectful.

DRL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DRL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rac said...

I would agree with Doug. The answer is not more government control. I believe in a free market system where the entities involved are allowed to fail or succeed as they see fit.

This is a tough town. Everyone here knows that if you post something controversial you are going to get a response. I think it's why those of us that do attend keep coming back. Personally, I love this stuff. Where else can you go and say the things that we do here. It's like therapy without the stigma or cost.

And to be clear, everyone here has their own delete button. If you write something you later regret you always have the power to remove it. If you're not sure how then send me a request for help.

But as far as I'm concerned, if someone wants to duke it out on the blog more power to them. And if I'm not directly involved in the fight, chances are I'll be cheering from the sidelines. I can assure you we have plenty of others watching too.

DRL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
juliet said...

Drl you wrote "I just wanted to retract what I said about any charges against her. As Americans, we can move where we want and marry who we want." I am relieved to hear that you have thought about this because I was wondering how your flawed logic would apply to say someone like your mother who I understand has been living and working up in Russia for many years.

DRL said...

I have no problem with any American living most places. I do, however, have a problem with countries that support terroist. After we invaided Iraq, I told my mother I did not appriciate that she was living in a place that supported the people we were taking the lives of our men and women. She now lives in Baku.

juliet said...

How interesting I looked Baku up on WIKI.
More than 94% of the residents of Baku practice various forms of Islam. A small minority of the population (about 4%) are Christians (majority Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian Orthodox Church and Molokans). Baku also has three different Jewish communities, namely the Ashkenazim Jews, the Mountain Jews, and the Georgian Jews.

DRL said...

It is also a very windy city. It sits on a pinisula jetting into the Caspian Sea. It is also and you stated a very Muslim country. They however do not support terrorist or the attacks on America. One thing that seems to be misunderstood, is that not all Musslims are terroists, and not all support terrorists. I have a friend here that is a devout musnlim. He has a house in Jeruselem and thinks that Isriel should and can do what it needs to to stop Hamas(I know, my spelling agian). So please don't lump all Muslim countries in with those that support terrorist or supplies them.

Doug said...

please show me where I called you, or anyone for that matter, stupid.

mat said...

See thats what I'm talking about. We can argue and have FUN!

Joanna said...

DRL,what did I say to make you log off?Just reading this thread,sounds like you pissed Juliet off quite a lot.

Joanna said...

Ironically this is titled "Peace" Wow!

juliet said...

Okay drl, so let me see if I get your logic and your list of Terror states. You say your friend who is Muslim and lives next to you is okay so I guess all American Muslims in your mind are okay and not terrorist because you base this on whether or not they live in what you perceive as a Terrorist country. (note to cell remind me to take up a collection for a Mosque to be built next to your church in your honor).

Now all people who live in Egypt according to your previous statements on the other thread are supporting terrorism and people like my self who live here are guilty of treason. I guess that would include other Americans like my self who work for American interests, Oil riggers, teachers, US embassy personnel and U.S. soldiers who work on the two US bases here and their support personnel. So now, according to your other post all Germans hate Americans despite that they are members of NATO and have many military bases there. But anyway if we follow your logic ... so they are on your Terror state list. Now, according to you, people like myself who are married to a German are suspect. I guess that would include all the US soldiers who have married Germans and the Americans who work in Germany, I guess would be terror supporters under your logic. Now, according to your statements about your dissatisfaction with Russia I guess we can add all Russians to the list. How do you feel about the Russians in the US. Are they okay in your opinion since they are in your geographic sphere? I think what I see here is a pattern of bigotry in your logic, an Archie Bunker kind of Mentality.

DRL said...

If I took you wrong, I appoligise in advance.
In your first comment on the "please read my oldest post first" post. You said, "parochial level spelling and sentence structure is the unfortunate result of failed technology". This was (I took it) in response to my not having spell check on my computer. I have been know to be the worst speller on the blog. One of the first things said to me at the reunion was, "oh you are the one who cant spell". It was said with laughter. It was funny, I am a poor speller and am never gramaticly accurate, and yes, because of my disibillity "Stupid".

DRL said...

Let me start by saying that when ever someone uses any "absolute" type of word, I sit back and see what is trying to be said. I never said that every Muslim in America is not a terrorist. Please remember that the terrorist that killed some 3,000 people on 9/11 were living in America at the time. I also have no problem with a Mousque being next to my church building, or in my naborhood for that matter. Is every Muslim in Egypt a terrorist? No. So I do not know where that came from. I also never said that Haze lived next to me. You have already forgoten that I appoligised for the "treason" statement I made. If you have forgoten, and not just bringing it up again. I will make a post to that nature.
As for Germany. You once again used the word, "all". NO, not every one, however, you know that between the war in 1991 and 2003 Germany (as well as France and Russia) supplied Iraq with wepons, munisions and other supplies that have taken the lives of our men and women. Many negative things were said about and to America for the Iraq war by senior political personel from Germany.
I support my belief of which countries support terroism by the State Department. You can look that up on the web. I also know which countries have spoken out agains the United States of America. Please do not put words in my mouth. I know from the past how you feel about our (USA's) involvment in the war we are involved in.
By the way, I have in all honesty, posted a public apology.